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Emmanuel Macron praises his management of the crisis during a communication operation

The head of State spoke on Sunday night at the television for twenty minutes — THOMAS SAMSON / AFP

  • Emmanuel Macron has, Sunday night, defended foot to foot, his management of the crisis during a televised speech to twenty minutes.
  • “20 Minutes,” asked the political scientists Virginia Martin and Martial Foucault to analyze the speech of the head of State.

The tone is solemn but optimistic. “We’re going to fully regain France. “The president of the Republic has expressed Sunday night during a twenty minutefor the fourth time since the beginning of the crisis in the
coronavirus. A crisis, to hear
Emmanuel Macron, which is now (almost) behind us and that was perfectly managed by his government.

“He swept the problems in ten or twenty seconds,” said the political scientist Virginia Martin, a research professor at Kedge Business school and president of the think tank Different. The shortage of masks ? Bloopers of Sibeth Ndiaye ? The ras-le-bol of the caregivers ? “It does not give life to its shortcomings since it does not recognize them “, stressed the political scientist.

From there to think that it was only a communication operation, there is only a step. “There are elements that make it think “, smiles the political scientist Martial Foucault, director of the Cevipof. Emmanuel Macron, who ” said “I” thirty times in twenty minutes, “wanted to appear as” having been the president who has made the best choice in the context “, the ” guardian of good deeds “, the one who gives the tempo in Europe.

It is also noticed that the head of State has “grilled the First minister” that has to take place on 22 June to discuss the next phase of the plan déconfinement. “In the first line since more than three months “, Edouard Philippe has the coast from the French who, according to
the latest surveywish mainly that he remains to be the prime minister in the event of a reshuffle. “Macron is taking people to court, grid priorities. He had done it in 2017 with Holland, remember his side Virginia Martin. It makes “war lightning”, and he continues to control the agenda. It is in control of time and space. In politics, it is important. “

“No clear indication “

“Jupiter” has made some announcements on Sunday evening. The reopening of cafés and restaurants in the Ile-de-France as early as Monday, cribs, schools and colleges for all from the June 22,… Most importantly, it has discussed several times the “reconstruction” of the country without explaining to all how he had planned to take in practice. “There is no clear indication enabling us to build a roadmap for a future government, takes Martial Foucault. He set up the lines much too soft. Attention to the cold shower if it does not transform it into a plan of concrete action by his next speech in July. “

“It was teasing,” says Virginia Martin. It is estimated that the president is always on Sunday “to strike the words” powerful and ready-made formulas which each one can hang on to thanks to the ” selective perception “. “But all this does not mean it’s a speech,” notes the political scientist.

“Words “

The head of State spoke of solidarity, of ecology, of independence… “He has given so that everyone is happy,” said Martial Foucault. Ecology, Europe, sovereignty, independence… “These are words that mask the fact that he will maintain his direction, and even the harden,” predicts Virginia Martin.

While protests against police violence have been organized recently, Emmanuel Macron has succinctly provided to support the forces of law and order. “It did not seem to think that there is a problem of racism in the police “, contrary to what report researchers, or institutions as
the human rights Defender, note Martial Foucault. “The country is in fire and blood for three years and he speaks to us of a beautiful country “, says Virginia Martin. And this last conclusion : “It distorts reality. But this is what we demand of the time that he has perfectly understood, that it is malignant. “

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