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Emmanuel Macron pledges 100 million euros for the preservation of forests

Published on 03.03.2023 at 12:12 by Linda Manga

The French president decides to grant an additional envelope of 100 million euros to countries wishing to accelerate their strategy for the protection of vital reserves of carbon and biodiversity.

The announcement was made on the sidelines of the first edition of the One Forest Summit organized from 1is to March 2, 2023, in Libreville, Gabon. This additional fund is part of the preservation of tropical forests. A project that is becoming a great necessity for leaders, who wish not only to protect populations, but also to guarantee a better future for them.

The 100 million promised by President Emmanuel Macron come, among other things, from: “ the Walton Foundation will participate with 20 million euros, Conservation international with 30 million euros and France puts on the table 50 million euros “. he explained before adding that, “ This fund will be used to finance a mechanism for remunerating exemplary countries in the conservation of forests and the safeguarding of their vital stocks of carbon and biodiversity, via “biodiversity certificates”. These certificates can be exchanged with sovereign States or with the private sector “as a contribution to the protection of nature”. ».

Remember that these tropical forests represent the second largest carbon sink on the planet after the Amazon. And are capable of absorbing immense amounts of CO2, every year.

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