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Emmanuel Macron empowers associations

Emmanuel Macron meets with popular education associations on February 25, 2020 at the Elysée Palace. – ELIOT BLONDET-POOL / SIPA

week after announcing first steps in Mulhouse, the Head of State received this Tuesday for three hours at the Elysee Palace officials of six major popular education networks and three local associations to “remobilize” them in “their actions in the field to reverse separatism” .
Emmanuel Macron placed associations on the front line in the fight against “Islamist separatism”, by announcing additional means and the strengthening of controls to prevent them from making “the bed of radicalism”.

To support them, he announced the release of an additional 100 million euros over three years for the device ” educational cities ”, Which concerns nearly 450,000 young people in 80 territories.

1,000 additional “relay adults” in distressed neighborhoods

There are also plans to recruit 1,000 additional “relay adults” in disadvantaged neighborhoods, finance 750 positions for associative coordinators (FONJEP device), pay 45 million euros for the Tremplin Asso program over three years, as well than the simplification of the search for funding.

The government has been criticized in recent years by associations for budget cuts in city policy at the start of the five-year term.

Monitoring respect for republican values

During the meeting, Emmanuel Macron said he wanted to “strengthen the tools of control and sanction to ensure respect for republican values ​​by associations benefiting from public funding”, according to his entourage.

For this, the signing of “republican contracts” will be systematized which will condition public aid to respect for the principles of the Republic. “In the event of non-compliance, the state or the community may request the return of the subsidy,” specifies the Elysée Palace, indicating that “a legislative provision will be proposed in the bill to come”.

Strategy deployed over several weeks

The government also intends to reinforce the teaching of “values ​​of the Republic and secularism” in the training of actors in the field, such as that of the Certificate of aptitude for the functions of animator (Bafa).

For the President of the Education League, Joël Roman, the state must “finally establish real work with the associative world” because the latter has “expertise” in these areas. “The state cannot do everything alone,” he said in the daily. The cross. Emmanuel Macron has planned to continue to roll out the strategy for several weeks, before and after the municipal elections of March 15 and 22, with a second trip linked to city policy planned for next week in Ile-de-France.

“Insufficient” measures for the opposition

In Mulhouse, he clarified that it was not “a plan against Islam”, which would be “a deep fault”. “Our enemy is separatism”, he insisted, announcing the cessation of the reception of “detached imams” sent by other countries, such as Turkey and Algeria, or the reinforced control of funding foreigners of places of worship. Measures criticized by the oppositions, especially on the right, where they were deemed “largely insufficient”, according to Valérie Pécresse, the ex-LR president of the Île-de-France region.

The six networks present at the meeting were the Léo Lagrange Federation, the Association Movement, the Education League, the MJC Confederation, the Association of the Foundation for Student Life for the City (AFEV) and Unis-Cités – as well as three local associations – Possible Citizenship (Seine-Saint-Denis), Décider (Essonne) and Ancrages (Bouches-du-Rhône). At the same time in the National Assembly, LREM deputies presented their lines of work against “separatism”, in particular by proposing “to train imams in France”.



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