This Tuesday, on the airwaves of La Première, Emmanuel André microbiologist (KULeuven) was invited to answer the questions everyone has about the Omicron variant. The latter has already pointed out a problem in the assessment made by the “South African colleagues”. “The study, which was publicized and in which they did not observe a severe form of the virus, was done on the first confirmed cases. You have to look at who they observed to conduct this study and they in fact observed a very young population. For all the variants, when we observe the same population, we will not or very very few cases of severe form of the virus because the age category does not correspond to the risk categories. “
According to the microbiologist, we must look at older and more vulnerable people to see if severe forms of the virus are triggered with the Omicron variant. “We must start from the hypothesis that this Omicron variant will create severe forms like all the other variants we have known in the past.”
Monday, in the DH, Yves Van Laethem had explained that this variant could ultimately be good news if it succeeded in supplanting the Delta variant and that it turned out to be less powerful than the latter. A hypothesis that Emmanuel André totally refuted. He compared the words of the interfederal spokesperson to those of the much maligned Professor Raoult. “This is a hypothesis which is not probable. This hypothesis was made every time there was a new variant which arrived. Professor Raoult had said the same thing when the Delta variant arrived and he was very obviously wrong. When we assume that a new variant will not create a severe form, we know that we are going to be wrong. “
Asked whether he compared Yves Van Laethem to Professor Raoult, Emmanuel André immediately set the record straight. “I absolutely do not compare them, I have a lot of friendship for Yves Van Laethem but it is simply to say that we always want to see the positive hypothesis whereas our role, as scientists, is also to remember that there are other hypotheses which are more probable. “