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“Emma Marrone and Belén Rodriguez Embrace in Surprising Instagram Photo 10 Years After Stefano De Martino Scandal”

The photo you don’t expect comes from the Instagram profile of Emma Marrone who poses in an embrace with Belén Rodriguez more than 10 years after the sensational betrayal of Stefano De Martino. Every rivalry has died down and the two, more adult and aware, show that they have overcome the disagreements of the past.

An unexpected photo comes from the Instagram profile of Emma Brown: the singer, who will be the guest of the last episode of Hyenasposes with the presenter Belén Rodriguez. This is not just any launch but a shot which, for those who have experienced it, closes a cycle. The followers noticed it and renamed them the “Italian Hayley and Selena”. But Justin Bieber, in this case, is Stephen DeMartino, for years the subject of contention between the two. Emma has chosen to pose with Belén – in a photo in which the two even embrace – to launch tonight’s participation in Le Iene. “I’ll unlock a memory for you”, he writes. She who was part of that unwanted triangle, involuntarily (?), for years.

Belén, Stefano and Emma: a story that began more than 10 years ago

It was 2012 when Stefano De Martino, at the time still only a very young dancer of Amici, managed to win the heart of Italy’s most desired showgirl, “snatching her” from her longtime boyfriend Fabrizio Corona. The last pole of this gossip quadrilateral was represented by Emma, ​​Stefano’s girlfriend who suffered the birth of the burning passion between the two. But she didn’t do it in silence: that passion blossomed behind the scenes of Amici and right from the stage of the talent show hosted by Maria De Filippi, Emma dedicated one to Stefano and Belén unforgettable version of “Bella senza anima”. A lot of water has passed under the bridge: Belén and Stefano got married, had a child, separated twice and as many times got back together. Now the photo closes the circle: Emma and the “super Belén” (as she defines it in the post) embrace each other, every rivalry has been overcome.

Stefano De Martino: “Better as an ex, Emma has earned it”

Over time, even Stefano was forgiven. “I’m better as an ex than as a partner because being next to me isn’t easy, I’m fickle, always looking for the next me. In the end I think they love me because they are happy to be free. Emma in hindsight I think she made the most of it”, recently declared the man who has now become one of Rai’s leading conductors. On more than one occasion, Emma and Stefano have shown that they have reconnected. And the photo with Belén points in that direction.

2023-05-23 16:07:45
#photo #Emma #Marrone #Belén #Rodriguez #extinguishes #rivalry #Stefano #Martino

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