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Emirates news agency – Nahyan bin Mubarak attends the graduation ceremony of the 16th lot of Al Ain University

ABU DHABI, October 20 / WAM / His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, attended the graduation ceremony of the 16th batch of graduates of the University of Al Ain, which was held last night at the Emirates Palace Hotel in Abu Dhabi, in the presence of some senior officials and representatives of diplomatic missions in the State, representatives of government and private institutions and bodies, members of the university’s founding council, members of the university council, members of the council of presbyters, heads of units and departments and parents of graduates.

The number of graduates reached 3169 graduates and graduates of various disciplines at the university campuses of Al Ain and Abu Dhabi, including 35 graduates of people of determination.The University of Al Ain pays special attention to its students of people of determination, believing in the importance of empowering them in the field of education.

His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan stressed that today’s celebration of Al Ain University graduates is a message of pride in the progress of the university and of great confidence in the bright future that awaits them, as well as optimism for their expected role in the country’s successful march.

In his speech at the ceremony, His Excellency stated: “The graduation ceremony is always a favorable occasion in which we look together at the achievements of the university in the past and the strength of its progress in the present, and together we do not see the hour of his future results and contributions. “

He pointed out that Al Ain University enjoys a good position within the universities of the region and the world, according to the international rankings of universities, and its faculties and programs obtain academic accreditation from specialized international organizations and engage with all diligence and commitment to develop the characteristics of leadership and leadership among the student and that the graduate of the university is fully capable of actively participating in all fields of economic and social activity in the country.

He stressed that Al Ain University always stresses the importance of having an education at a prestigious international level, preparing students for good citizenship and equipping them with the ability to take initiative and leadership in an era of successive changes and by strong competition to achieve innovation and creativity.

His Excellency stressed that Al Ain University always seeks to be a faithful and honest extension of the wise vision and successful efforts of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him”, which always assures us of the highest priority of education and of its important and fundamental role in raising responsible, qualified and capable generations. Active participation in all aspects of work in our beloved emirates.

He said: “We are very proud that our state, under the leadership of His Highness the President of the State,” may God protect it, “clearly sees the role of education in establishing a knowledge society and even enabling society to compete successfully in the global arena, as well as its role in deepening the principles of peace, coexistence and harmony in the state and in the world.It is very good to see the University of Al Ain embody all of this through its close association with institutions of society and the world, and through its continuing efforts to link university education with the fields of work in society, and its willingness to obtain productive work for its graduates, and takes creative initiatives to encourage l innovation and leadership at all levels.

His Excellency praised the donations and efforts of the University’s faculty and employees.Thanks to their efforts and determination, we look forward to a successful future for this University in which the awarding of graduates and graduates will continue and through which the yes confirms the role of the university at the service of society and the human being.

His Excellency said: “We congratulate the graduates, appreciating their perseverance and hard work, and also express our expectations that they are role models in giving and success.”

For his part, Dr Noor El-Din Atatreh, Commissioner Director of the university, said: “We are proud to have graduated a new generation of knowledgeable and educated young people. Forward thinking is eager to provide unlimited support to all. knowledge platforms “.

Dr. Ghaleb Al-Refai, President of the University, called on graduates to continue to benefit from knowledge and self-development as ambassadors of science and knowledge, noting that the University of Al Ain is eager to support its graduates while seeking to increase the level of education and the continuity of obtaining international academic accreditations and international rankings which would improve the undergraduate certificate, which creates wider employment opportunities and thus improves the position of graduates in the labor market.

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