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Emirates News Agency – During World Media Congress … Nahyan bin Mubarak: UAE, under President of State’s leadership, is leading global efforts to promote tolerance and joint action

  • During the World Media Congress.. Nahyan bin Mubarak: UAE, under the leadership of the President of the State, is leading global efforts to promote tolerance and joint action


Nahyan bin Mubarak:

The UAE, with its established values ​​and principles, is a country of cultural openness and civilization.

A pioneering role for the UAE in developing knowledge relations, dialogue and joint action globally.

The UAE has established itself as a world leader in the field of tolerance, coexistence and dialogue.

The Ministry of Tolerance plays a central role in the production and dissemination of knowledge on tolerance and coexistence.

We in the UAE strongly believe that all human beings are members of one human society where all work together to achieve good and prosperity.

The UAE tolerance experience is not limited to theoretical discussions, but also practical projects.

– The World Media Congress has a responsibility to introduce others, open up to them and deal with them wisely and humanely.


ABU DHABI, 16th November, 2020 (WAM) — His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, said that the UAE, under the wise leadership of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, State President, “God protect him”, has become a country that embodies the values ​​of tolerance, coexistence and human brotherhood in their highest meanings. The country of cultural and civilizational openness is proud of its values ​​and principles and plays a pioneering and concrete role in developing relationships of knowledge, dialogue and common action throughout the world.
His Excellency said – in the keynote speech delivered at the opening of the second day of the World Media Congress on the occasion of the International Day of Tolerance, which falls on November 16 of each year -: “I express my great greetings and the utmost thanks and gratitude to the sponsor of the World Media Congress in its first session, His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Presidential Court. I very much appreciate His Highness’s enthusiasm for the media to be fully capable of playing its intended role in educating people and improving their knowledge and behavior to be a good citizen in this era. I also thank His Highness for his strong support to all activities and events which confirms the central and pioneering position of the UAE in all fields and in various fields.

His Excellency Dr. Ramzan bin Abdullah Al Nuaimi, Minister of Information of the Kingdom of Bahrain, His Excellency Ahmed Al Afifi, Vice President of the Republic of Seychelles, and His Excellency Mohamed attended the opening of the activities of the second day of the World Media Congress Jalal Al Raisi, Director General of Emirates News Agency “WAM”, Chairman of the Supreme Organizing Committee of the World Media Congress.

The inauguration was also attended by Daoud Aweys Jammeh, Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism of Somalia, Hon Monica, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Services of Zimbabwe, Guy Ahmed, Minister of Justice of the Comoros, Mohamed Idris , Minister of Information of Ethiopia, and Babiker Diagen, President of the National Council for the Regulation of Audiovisual Communication.Senegal.. together with some ministers of friendly and fraternal countries and ambassadors accredited in the country.
His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan added that the UAE’s position and its leading role globally in the field of tolerance, coexistence and dialogue is reflected in the establishment of a specialized ministry for tolerance and the coexistence that I have the honor to represent. All institutions of society, especially with schools, universities, media and communication in order to strengthen the values ​​of tolerance and coexistence in society – the Ministry also works to provide opportunities for everyone to contribute successfully to the march of society and the world without extremism, intolerance, segregation or discrimination.
Your Excellency referred to the important role of the Ministry of Tolerance in producing and disseminating knowledge on tolerance and coexistence, as well as proposing laws and regulations and organizing activities and events that embody the concepts of tolerance and human brotherhood on the ground – this is in addition to organizing an ambitious program of studies and research and establishing standards and indicators that measure the extent to which tolerance is achieved in the country. – The Ministry also has an important role in building local and global partnerships – we are a key partner in all international conventions and treaties that concern human rights, the renunciation of violence and hatred, the achievement of peace and harmony in the world – and here I point out, for example, that the Ministry has launched an important initiative this year to establish: “The Global Tolerance Alliance “which helps to spread everywhere the values ​​of coexistence, love and peace”.
He said that the objective view of what has been achieved and is being achieved in the Emirates in the areas of tolerance and coexistence, brothers and sisters, points to a number of clear results represented in the following: “Opening up to the world and adopting the principles of tolerance and coexistence, is a sure expression of self-confidence, trust in the motherland and strong concern.” On national identity, and presenting its distinctive features, in front of the whole world. expresses our belief in the Emirates, that all human beings are members of one human society, where everyone works together, in order to achieve good and prosperity, across the globe. The concept of one human community was confirmed in the Abu Dhabi Document for Human Fraternity, issued in Abu Dhabi in 2019, in the presence of His Holiness Pope Francis and His Eminence the Grand Imam, Sheikh Dr. Al Nahyan, President of the State, “may God protect him” , and this is due to His Highness’ belief that human fraternity is the way to achieve understanding, progress, peace and stability in all parts of the world, but it is also a strong expression of trust and hope for the future.
His Excellency added, “The results showed that the UAE’s experience indicates that efforts to promote a culture of tolerance and coexistence should not be limited to theoretical discussions, but should be a field for practical projects and social leadership initiatives.” and economic future of the media in the world, to the awareness that activities linked to tolerance and coexistence, and to relations between nations and peoples, can have an important economic value, allowing for the birth of projects, the establishment of businesses and profits innovations, at all levels .. In addition to the establishment of the Ministry of Tolerance and Coexistence in the Emirates, the affirmation of a fact has come, namely that spreading the culture of knowledge, dialogue and common action, among the masters of civilizations and cultures, this is not achieved automatically, but must be continuously nourished and developed.
He referred to the role of media and communication in building the capacity of local and international societies to adopt the principles of tolerance and human fraternity and said: “You, in this World Media Congress, have the duty and responsibility to helping readers, listeners and viewers learn about each other’s cultures, open up to them and engage with them.” With wisdom and humanity, but also, in the construction of their convictions, that pluralism and diversity in the characteristics of the population are a source of determination and strength in human societies – you have the duty and responsibility to work with everyone: children, young people, families , clergy, businessmen and schools Universities and civil society institutions, so that all can play their part in this important human endeavor. duty and responsibility to consciously open up to all the beneficial experiences of the world, but also celebrate them and make their characteristics known. in this era, but also adherence to objective standards, accuracy, full transparency, fight against false or pseudo rumors and news”.

He continued: “You also have a duty and responsibility to realize the role of tolerance in the development of media work, and for media professionals themselves and the companies they work for, to be good role models of diversity, pluralism, integrity and learning continuous – all this, within the framework of a complete conviction.” That the media and communications industry has, in this era, become a pivotal role in shaping the present and future of the world, and that honest and trustworthy media is the sure way to earn the trust of readers, listeners and viewers and to contribute to the formation of social conscience, in an appropriate way.
At the end of his speech, His Excellency declared: “I thank all those who have contributed to sponsoring and organizing the World Media Congress, wishing you a successful conference and hoping that your discussions and initiatives contribute to ensuring that the media and communication are, as we hope, an effective tool for knowledge between people and for combating ignorance of the other. and joint action that achieves convergence and cooperation between all parties, on an equal footing and as complete partners , with each other – I tell you, the media are important channels that help bring about a future for human beings characterized by peace, harmony and mutual respect among all.

Dina Omar / Ahmed Al Nuaimi

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