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Emirates News Agency – Dubai Cares’ vision to transform education globally is at the heart of ‘Education Transformation Summit’

DUBAI, 20th September 2022 (WAM) – Continuing its global advocacy efforts for a transformed education ecosystem, Dubai Cares, a civil society organization officially associated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications, presented the report “Rewireing Education for People and Planet ”at the Education Transformation Summit (TES) in collaboration with the Education Commission.

Organized as part of the 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), the summit was convened by United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres in response to the silent education crisis. This global meeting provided a unique opportunity to put education at the top of the global political agenda and mobilize action, ambition, solidarity and solutions to recover learning losses linked to the pandemic. The Summit agenda was split over three days, namely: Mobilization Day, Solutions Day and Leaders Day.

Presented on Solutions Day, the Rewiring Education for People and Planet report offers six concrete “win-win” solutions that can align thought and action across sectors and stakeholders, integrating and capturing key findings and recommendations from the conversations that have taken place. during the RewirEd Summit at Expo 2020 Dubai last December. The main recommendations of this report contributed to the five action lines and broader findings of the TES.

“Over the past 15 years, Dubai Cares has worked tirelessly to address the key challenges of the education sector and implement solutions that will enable countries to leverage education as the equalizer it” should be. Combined with the resounding success of the RewirEd Summit, our extensive experience and long-standing strategic partnerships with major global players have placed Dubai Cares in a leading position to continue its mission of rewiring education, “he said. said Tariq Al Gurg, CEO and Vice President of Dubai Cares.

“The Rewireing Education for People and Planet” report, which we have developed in close collaboration with the Education Commission, is a roadmap we urgently need today to guide education towards a more sustainable future through a cross-sector ecosystem approach. Our goal with this report is to offer the global community a concrete path to reinvigorate the role of education as a driver of change for humanity, ”added Dr. Al Gurg.

United Nations Special Envoy for Education and former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown thanked Dubai Cares and the Commission on Education for making the event a success by bringing together global voices from different sectors, not just to discuss the challenges that education has to face, but above all to propose solutions. He said: “Let’s not lose hope and let’s not lose sight of our ambition with all the solutions proposed today, with all the initiatives that have been taken, we can be the first generation in history where every child goes to school, but instead of developing only part of the potential of some children in some countries, we are developing the full potential of all children in all countries. “

The report presents a vision for collaborative transformation and a clear call to action for different actors from different sectors to collectively rewire education systems to equip today’s children and young people with the skills, knowledge and values ​​they need to navigate in the complexities of an unknown future. In this context, Dubai Cares’ “Global Education Transformation Framework” supports a “whole society” ecosystem approach to transforming education. The framework has been widely endorsed by the international education community and is highlighted on the TES website as a key reference tool for the national consultation process.

Education Commission Executive Director Dr Liesbet Steer said: “The needs of this generation are vast, intertwined and multifaceted, hence the need to join forces with other sectors to deliver on our promises of peace and prosperity. We will not achieve this if we do not ensure that education is an integral part of the other SDGs and is a win-win investment. We must ensure that education takes its place. the environment When education becomes a more central theme of the G7, the G20, the COP and the Summit of the future, we will know we are on the right track. ”.

During the mobilization day of the Education Transformation Summit, Dubai Cares, represented by Dr. Al Gurg, participated in the launch of the “Youth Declaration”. During the session, Dr. Al Gurg stressed the importance of implementing the declaration to transform education and the need to integrate young people into global development strategies and decision-making roles.

Dubai Cares also participated in a session entitled “Hungry Children = A Failed Education System – Why School Feeding is So Important to Transforming Education”, co-organized by Plan International Canada, Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Basic and Higher Education, Finland’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, the World Food Program and the School Meals Coalition. In his remarks, Dr. Al Gurg highlighted the central role school feeding programs play in supporting education transformation, which triggers a positive ripple effect on economic growth and human capital development.

Dubai Cares also took part in Leaders Day, where Dr. Al Gurg attended the high-level session on learning and digital transformation with the President of the Republic of Peru, Pedro Castillo Terrones, the Minister of Education, Greece, Niki Kerameus, Minister of Education, Republic of Indonesia, Nadiem Makarim, Minister of Education, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Dipu Moni, among other senior dignitaries. During the session, Dr Al Gurg highlighted the need for a digital revolution to harness technology and connectivity to be a game changer and enable access to education even in the remotest regions of the world.

Dr. Al Gurg also participated in a festival organized by the United Nations Youth Foundation, in a session entitled “Rewiring Education Through Win-Win Solutions – Unlock The Future of Learning”, where he gave a speech on the “Rewiring Education for People and the Planet “. Furthermore, Dr. Al Gurg called on governments, development partners, civil society, business leaders, teachers and youth to work together across all sectors, levels and stakeholders to endorse the report’s findings to reconnect education for people and the planet.

The massive support provided by governments and other global agencies to the Rewiring Education for People and Planet report and the Framework for Global Education Transformation has solidified Dubai Cares’ position as a major contributor to advancing the global education transformation agenda .

Translated by: Gihane Fawzi.


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