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Emirates News Agency – Al-Azhar condemns the burning of the Holy Quran in Sweden

Cairo, January 22, WAM/ Al-Azhar Al-Sharif strongly condemned the burning of the Noble Qur’an in the Swedish capital, Stockholm.

And Al-Azhar renewed – in a statement issued yesterday evening – its assertion that these extremist actions will not undermine the sanctity of the Noble Qur’an in the heart of a civilized person, and it will remain in its perch a guiding book for all humanity, guiding it to the values ​​of goodness, truth and beauty, whose sanctity is not undermined by the grudges of the lost, nor The actions of the emitters of intolerance, hatred and sick souls, who have black records in the history of intolerance and hatred.

Al-Azhar called on the human community, international institutions and world leaders to stand up to attempts to tamper with religious sanctities, condemn these actions, put an end to the chaos of the term “freedom of expression”, and its misuse in relation to provocation of Muslims and respect for their sanctities, and to open an urgent investigation into the recurrence of these incidents, stressing that Allowing these provocations to be repeated under the banner of “freedom of expression” hinders efforts to promote peace, interfaith dialogue, and communication between East and West, and between the Islamic world and the Western world.

Emad Al-Ali

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