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Emilio responds with accusations about Uberti: “He came to scam”

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Emilio Izaguirre He has not remained silent after the criticism he received from the Uruguayan Daniel Ubertiformer director of the Honduran youth teams, in an interview with DIEZ, of whom he said “he thinks he is a sports director because he walks around with a label (title) and hasn’t done anything.”

These phrases infuriated the current sports director of the Motaguawho this time did not hold back anything and for the first time became excited and responded with everything Ubertiwith whom the Honduran minor teams consummated three failures: not going to the U-17 and U-20 World Cups and not gaining access to the Paris 2024 Olympics.

“Uberti is a person who comes only to take advantage of our noble country, as a player he left nothing, as a sports director in Real Españ“As a coach he has left nothing behind. Carlos Pavón has already said it too, I have been to national team congresses where leaders said that he was the cancer that the national team had, he is a superb guy,” Izaguirre began by putting the anesthesia.

“);/*]]>*/ Uberti without mincing words: he responds to Pavón and attacks Emilio Izaguirre

Then he went deeper and did not stop, he was throwing dart after dart at the Uruguayan. “There was an audio that circulated, which I am sorry about, in which he told Luis that his vote was important and of quality, and it has me upset because he has never taken a peso out of his pocket to give a couple of tacos to a Honduran.”

“I studied sports management, but I have other roles at Motagua, because apart from being a Motagua fan, I love Motagua, I am a revolutionary, I am everything that the club’s fans represent. He says that I left nothing behind, and I can show him proof of everything I did when I was at Celtic, I brought suitcases full of cleats, I asked my teammates to bring the young players because I really liked to contribute to the sport, not to come and take advantage of salaries,” he said.

Emilio Izaguirre He emphasized all the work he has been doing in the Motagua Minor Leagues, where the two-time world champion with Honduras seeks to train players with Motagua DNA.


“I studied this career to have a job, but I contribute, I can have a salary in Motagua, but I contribute to the Minor Leagues and you can ask all the Minor Leagues in Motagua. They don’t pay a penny because Don Marco Tulio Gutiérrez pays for the coaches and the fields, every child I see has a broken cleat or tennis shoe, I buy it with my own money, whatever the Minor Leagues need, I’m always there contributing,” he explained.

“In the reserves, every year I change their mattresses, televisions, everything they need like clothes, cleats, tennis shoes, and I never wanted to say it, but a ghost, a person who has never left anything to Honduran soccer and comes to attack someone who has contributed, who tries to leave a legacy in the sport, who fights for Honduras and every young person, comes to tell me this, it’s incredible… this is not about titles, it’s about truly contributing to Honduran soccer.”

“When I arrived more than a year and a half ago I made arrangements with the people from Los Angeles for Denil Maldonado, then Anthony García to Colorado Rapids, Enrique Facussé to Colombia, Denil himself to Romania and I have conversations with the president of Celtic asking me about Luis Palma, so what is this guy talking about who has never done anything? Really, he hasn’t done anything, and I’m not the only one who has attacked him,” Izaguirre said.

“I try to manage the Motagua Complex and keep it in good condition, the team locker room, the gym, I work on several things, not just one,” he stressed.

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