Home » today » World » Emilio Lozoya continues to unrepair the damage to Pemex in the Odebrecht and Agronitrogenados cases: FGR

Emilio Lozoya continues to unrepair the damage to Pemex in the Odebrecht and Agronitrogenados cases: FGR

The Attorney General’s Office (FGR) reported that in the two criminal cases that remain open against the former director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex)Emilio Lozoya Austin, for the Odebrecht and Agronitrogens cases, The defendant today has not repaired the damage caused to the treasury, so he does not enjoy any procedural benefit in those files.

Through a statement, the FGR explained that in the Odebrecht case, where Lozoya faces charges for money laundering, bribery and criminal association, the accused “has not complied with the reparation of the damage that is obligatory”, therefore, the criminal procedure against him continues and “without any procedural benefit.”

However, holding the intermediate hearing to be able to proceed to the oral trial stage remains suspended at the request of the defense of the former director of Pemex, which continues to try to reach a conditional suspension of the process by repairing the damage. The amount of compensation for the damage in this case is under debate, since Lozoya has tried to consider only the amount of the alleged bribes, but not the damage caused to Pemex by the alleged irregular contracts.

The FGR added that in the Agronitronegados case, where the repair of the damage was calculated at 10.7 million dollars or 220 million pesosthere is also no reparation agreement with the defendant’s defense, so the procedure against him also remains in force.

Even the Prosecutor’s Office recalled that in this case a domain extinction trial was initiated so that the State recovers possession of the residence that Emilio Lozoya acquired in the Lomas de Bezares neighborhood with illicitly obtained resources.

“Emilio ‘L’ has not complied with the mandatory repair of the damage. Assets subject to asset forfeiture are seized. The criminal procedure continues without any procedural benefit”, explained the FGR.

Regarding the criminal case that was initiated against the former collaborator of former President Enrique Peña Nieto for a fiscal debt of 2 million 695 thousand 985.32 pesos, corresponding to fiscal year 2016the FGR indicated that the accused is managing the payment of said amount, with the purpose of launching a criminal proceeding for tax fraud.

However, the FGR recalled that this criminal case has nothing to do with the two cases of alleged corruptionso you will not have any benefit in said criminal proceedings in case you reach an agreement with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP).

“In the case of a tax debt of Emilio ‘L’, for payment of taxes, said payment has been managed through the Tax Attorney of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, a situation that is in process. This payment of taxes has no link of any nature, nor connection of any kind with the two previous cases“, concluded the Prosecutor’s Office.

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