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Emilie Stordalen lost the fog match – considered sacrificing her place

Even before the participants had to complete the week’s first exercise, problems arose for hotel heir Emilie Stordalen. For while the others performed “military backward plunge”, the 30-year-old was placed on the sidelines. This is because she had cracked both eardrums during a dive in the exercise “Hurramegrundt”.


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The doctor therefore advised her not to participate in any upcoming underwater exercises. It was then very inconvenient that one of Saturday’s exercises also took place under water.

Automatic in fog fight

Since she did not collect points, she automatically became one of the aspirants who had to fight in a fog this week. Here she met Emilie Nereng (26) in “The General’s Dilemma”, a strategy game, which she eventually lost.

– It’s fine. There were somehow such special premises for that fog fight. Had I won, it would also have been strange, because there would have been so many things I could not participate in in the future, Stordalen says to TV 2 right after the fog match.

THE GENERAL’S DILEMMA: Emilie Nereng and Emilie Stordalen were to fight to stay in a strategy game. Photo: Matti Bernitz / TV 2

– Not good for the program

She denies that she had intended to go home, but admits that she considered sacrificing her place if she won.

– I had decided to try the fog fight, but I had also decided that if there is an exercise waiting until I can not do, then it is not good for the program. So then it is better to let someone else, who can be part of everything, get to do it, she says.


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In an interview with Good Morning Norway earlier this week, she said that the eardrum injury affected her more than what you see on TV.

– I was in so much pain, I slept badly and tried not to show it. But it is not a big deal to crack both at the same time, she said.

In addition to being in pain, she also noticed that her hearing was somewhat worse in the days that followed.

Reveals officer difference

When she looks back on her stay, there is one thing in particular about the experience she really did not expect.


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– I’m surprised at how hard they drove us militarily, even when the cameras were not there. I had heard that there were no breaks, but that they should drive us so hard and that it should be so in character, it was interesting, the 30-year-old explains.

Besides, she stubbornly believes that the commander shows his best side when the TV cameras are present.

– When the cameras are there, they are even a little nice. Otherwise, they are strict, they yell at you and you get corrections, and you have to follow very short deadlines all the time, she reveals.


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Now that Stordalen’s aspirant period is over, and she is asked to nominate those she has the most faith in among the remaining participants, she highlights two in particular.

– I think Dennis Silva Lie will be high up. Because he’s completely raw. Then I think maybe Emilie Nereng also has a good chance. Yes, I hold a button on the two, that is, she concludes.

Watch Kompani Lauritzen on Wednesdays and Saturdays on TV 2 and TV 2 Play.

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