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Emerging Labor Market Trends in Europe and Predictions for the Future of Jobs

In Europe, in the next 5 years, the structure of the labor market will change drastically, as 23% of jobs will be closed.

By 2027, 42% of business tasks in industrial enterprises will be performed by machines. The most noticeable shortage is emerging for specialists in the field of data and cloud services analysis, human intelligence and machine learning, digital mapping, process automation, information encryption, blockchain programming and IT The Internet of Things.

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This data shared for Pariteni.bg Prof. Dr. Miglena Temelkova, Rector of the Higher School of Telecommunications and Posts, which was the organizer and host of the international forum “Innovative Education and Future Professions”.

Prof. Temelkova also highlighted important global megatrends outlined by the World Bank:

• driven by automation, digitization, climate change, over 1.1 billion jobs will undergo transformation over the next decade;

• the global economy would gain about US$6.5 trillion over the next 7 years if workers’ skills were upgraded, which is about 6% of global GDP;

• however, countries collectively invest less than 0.5 percent of global gross domestic product in lifelong learning

“We need a financial resource to be able to introduce innovations and build the specialists we need. The investments from the large companies with which we cooperate with teachers from practice, applied research, laboratories and software reach half a million BGN per year, and we receive BGN 70,000 each from the state, Prof. Temelkova also noted.

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Predictions: In the future, jobs will not change, but professions

Predictions are that today’s students will not just change jobs, but will change professions three times in their lives, emphasized Krasimir Valchev, chairman of the parliamentary committee on education and science.

According to him, it is impossible to say what the professions will be like in 20 years, but it can be predicted that interdisciplinary specialties will be more important, because highly qualified narrow specialists can be replaced in the future by artificial intelligence.

Valchev highlighted two more important predictions: professions related to people and human care will be more difficult to replace, therefore, in addition to digital skills, humanitarian and social-emotional skills will be extremely important. And last but not least – in the digital world it will be necessary to be not just users, but also creators, and this requires developing creativity through humanitarian, communicative qualities and concentration.

However, the paradox is that the more young children handle electronic devices, the more they lose their ability to concentrate. That is why it is necessary to hide electronic devices at an early age, so that young people can later become good digital creators, Valchev added.

Some professions will disappear due to the introduction of artificial intelligence. Universities will no longer be the place where knowledge is acquired, but where students learn to innovate and learn to solve problems. There should be a platform for cooperation between the state and business, as well as the initiation of projects with added value for society, where students can work in a team and create innovations, added Terry Li, general manager of Huawei Bulgaria.

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Cyber ​​Security and Cyber ​​Attacks

Taking into account the rapid development of technology and digitalization, the risk of cyber attacks also increases. Countries that do not have the appropriate level of cyber security will be forced to slow down their digitization process and this will put them out of sync with other countries and make them uncompetitive. This implies an increase in the need for cyber specialists with each passing year, and they can be provided with quality and properly structured education, stressed Vladimir Bronfenbrenner, chairman of the Bulgarian Security Academy.

He added that there is a shortage of personnel in the field of cybersecurity. It is not only a defense process, but also an industry. There is a need for a correspondingly high level of education, added Bronfenbrenner.

Source: Pariteni.bg

2023-12-15 09:09:10

#close #jobs #soughtafter #professions #coming #years

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