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Emergency Response: Heavy Snow Causes Roof Collapse, Animals Evacuated Safely

Operations manager at the police operations center in Agder, Tom Erik Gausdal, told Nettavisen just after 00:30 that they arrived together with the fire brigade at the scene, but that they could not get into the building.

Evacuated the animals

– We have just arrived at the location. We are working on getting the overview, but have not yet been inside the building. We must first make an assessment of how safe it is to enter.

– We have to assess the safety of the crew before we can do anything more, says Gausdal.

Just before 01:00, an excavator arrived at the scene. It removed parts of the collapsed roof so they could evacuate the animals.

Heavy snow

– All 34 animals have been evacuated and fortunately no one appears to be injured. The fire service then helped the owner to stabilize the roof, says the operations manager to Nettavisen.

According to the operations manager, by all indications it must have been heavy snow that caused the roof to collapse.

– Fortunately, it went well with the animals and that is the most important thing, says Gausdal.

2024-01-19 23:18:22

#Barn #collapsed #animals #evacuated

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