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Emergency order in part of Amersfoort after calling for riots, one arrest | NOW

The municipality of Amersfoort on Monday evening issued an emergency order for the area around the Kruiskamp district and the statue of De Stier on the Flierbeeksingel, after young people urged each other via social media to gather there and “kick a mess”. One arrest has been made so far.

People who do not live in the vicinity are requested to leave the area. Residents of the area around the Kruiskamp district are asked to stay indoors for the time being.

According to a spokesman for the Central Netherlands police, the atmosphere has been relatively calm so far. “We act when necessary, just as we did with similar calls in The Hague and Utrecht.”

Young people had called for the Bull to gather near the statue. Slogans like “we’re going to blow things up” were shared on social media, police confirm. Regional partner Regio15 reports that the police are in large numbers on some streets and are ordering the young people to leave.

Earlier also disturbances in Utrecht and The Hague

The appeal made Amersfoort seem to become the third city where it could become restless due to a desire for destruction. Previously, much damage was done in the Schilderswijk in The Hague, where fires were started, fire newspapers were opened and heavy fireworks were set off. In addition, officers were pelted with stones and eggs and the mobile unit of the police had to be involved.

After that it also became restless in Utrecht. In several places in Overvecht and Kanaleneiland there were disturbances between young people and the police. One officer was slightly injured. At least fifty young people were arrested in both cities.

The Utrecht mayor Peter den Oudsten did not have a good word about the riots in his city last weekend. “The violence that has been used is absolutely not possible. We must therefore deal hard with the perpetrators”, the mayor said on Monday. Radio M Utrecht.

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