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Emergency Meeting of Palestine Support Committee to Stop Israeli Aggression: Actions, Resolutions, and Appeals

10:56 PM Thursday 02 November 2023

Books – Islam Lutfi:

Today, the Palestine Support Committee of the General Bar Association held an emergency meeting to discuss mechanisms for stopping the Israeli occupation’s aggression against the Gaza Strip, and to discuss ways to provide support to the brothers in Palestine.

The meeting issued a statement that stated: The Palestine Support Committee of the General Syndicate of Lawyers met under the chairmanship of Nasser Al-Omari, member of the General Syndicate Council and rapporteur of the Palestine Support Committee, in solidarity with the Palestinian people in light of the escalation of the Israeli aggression, condemnation of brutal crimes, and denunciation of the position of the countries supporting it.

Over the course of five hours, the attendees discussed the acts of genocide and mass massacres carried out by the Zionist occupation against civilians, children and women, with the intention of forcibly displacing the Palestinian people.

The attendees agreed on:

1) The attendees appreciate the position of the political leadership rejecting the forced displacement of the Palestinian people and affirming Egypt’s sovereignty over its lands.

2) Taking legal measures against war criminals from the Zionist entity who committed the most heinous crimes and violated all international laws and UN resolutions that condemned the occupation and aggression against our Palestinian people. It has been decided to hold a meeting next Monday and invite international jurists and law experts to prosecute war criminals from the Zionist entity and those who support them before the court. International Criminal Courts and all other competent courts.

3) The attendees appeal to the masses of the Egyptian, Arab and Islamic people to continue to boycott all products of the Zionist entity and the countries that support it, especially the United States of America and the European Union countries.

4) Preparing relief convoys for the Palestinian people in coordination between the general union and sub-unions and sending them through the Rafah crossing in coordination with the relevant agencies.

5) The attendees called on President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to withdraw the Egyptian ambassador, sever diplomatic and economic relations with the occupying Zionist entity, and end the Camp David Accords.

6) The attendees praised the position of the Kingdom of Bahrain in withdrawing its ambassador and stopping economic relations with the Zionist entity. The attendees called on all Arab and Islamic countries to take a similar stance towards this brutal entity.

7) The attendees decided to hold a popular trial for the Zionist war criminals and those who support them in a massive conference under the auspices of Abdel Halim Allam, President of the Bar Syndicate and President of the Arab Lawyers Union, and in the presence of all leaders, public figures, and representatives of professional unions, as soon as possible.

8) The attendees affirm that Egypt’s lawyers and all sectors of the Egyptian people stand behind the political leadership in the decisions it takes that would stop the Israeli aggression against our people in Gaza and Palestine and work to ensure the access of relief aid and receive and treat the wounded and injured as a result of this aggression.

Participating in the meeting were Muhammad Radhi Masoud, member of the General Syndicate Council, journalist Hisham Younis, first representative of the Journalists Syndicate, lawyer Muhammad Radhi Masoud, member of the Bar Association Council and Chairman of the Legal Thought Committee, lawyer Tariq Al-Awadi, member of the Presidential Pardon Committee, and Shaaban Hassan, member of the Palestinian Bar Association Council. And a large group of gentlemen, male and female lawyers.

2023-11-02 20:56:00
#Withdrawing #Egyptian #ambassador #Israel #canceling #Camp #David #Accords.. #recommendations #emergency #meeting #lawyers #Masrawy #Masrawy

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