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Emergency Energy Cost Assistance.

The enormous increase in energy costs also mean a financial effort for companies. That is why the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is now offering support with the “Härtefallhilfe KMU Energie” program: Small and medium-sized companies as well as the self-employed and agricultural businesses can apply for reimbursement of a monthly payment for the year 2022 in a first stage from March 21st. The prerequisite for this: the prices for electricity, grid-connected natural gas and heat must have increased at least fourfold for applicants in the previous year. Two further levels of financial support are to follow, according to the NRW Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The Ministry’s press release in full:

From March 21, 2023, small and medium-sized companies as well as the self-employed and agricultural businesses with high energy price increases can apply for support in the “Härtefallhilfe KMU Energie” state program. The aim is to prevent, as far as possible, operational closures or job cuts in companies that are severely affected. As the state’s promotional bank, NRW.BANK is responsible for examining and approving the applications. Companies can already obtain information and clarify detailed questions on the NRW.BANK website. In the digital application process, companies only have to provide the information that is absolutely necessary for the legally compliant review and success control. 100 million euros in state funds and around 200 million euros from the federal government are available for hardship assistance.

Economics Minister Mona Neubaur: “With the hardship aid for KMU Energie, the state government is supplementing the measures taken by the federal government in the right place. At the same time, there are incentives to save energy – for economic and ecological reasons. Energy prices have fallen significantly again in recent weeks. That’s exactly why “It is important, however, to give the companies a helping hand now, which despite everything is suffering from significant cost increases. We deliberately opted for gradual funding so that we can start quickly with stage one and specifically relieve the burden on medium-sized companies. At the We will use this experience to shape stages two and three.”

The commission decides on the approval of the applications

In the first stage, small and medium-sized companies whose prices for electricity, grid-bound natural gas and heat have at least quadrupled in 2022 can apply for a subsidy in the amount of a monthly deduction for 2022. In the second stage, the electricity, gas and heat price brakes are to be increased when the costs have quadrupled in 2023 and the energy intensity is also particularly high. In the negotiations with the federal government, the federal states have achieved that the program also benefits companies that use oil, wood pellets or other energy sources that are not connected to the grid. These aids will be developed in more detail in stage three. It will be possible to submit an application in stages two and three at a later date.

The state of North Rhine-Westphalia has set up a hardship commission to determine special hardships in individual cases. The chambers of industry and commerce, the chambers of crafts and the association of freelancers are involved.

You can find the application portal for hardship aid for KMU Energie here: www.nrwbank.de/haertefallhilfe.

For more information, see: www.wirtschaft.nrw/haertefallhilfe-kmu-energie

Ldenscheid, 18. Mrz 2023

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