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Emergency care remains a challenge for childcare Inland

“Extending the measures comes as no surprise. We saw it coming. I take into account that it will take even longer, because the May holiday is also coming ”, says Jellesma, who understands that it is difficult for many parents with young children. “There is no regular childcare. It is tough when you have to combine working from home with the education and care of young children. ”

The chairman of BOinK indicates that childcare in the Netherlands has a good reputation. “It is top quality and should remain so in the current circumstances. We must ensure that suitable locations are available, so that parents from the vital professions do not have to drive far to pick up their child. The reception itself should be as pleasant as possible. ”

Shortly after the press conference of Prime Minister Rutte, the Branch Organization for Childcare was unable to respond substantively. “The regular shelter remains closed, but we still want to know what exactly is the situation with the emergency shelter,” said a spokesman. Currently, about 10 percent of the available childcare places are occupied for emergency care.

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