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EMA: no evidence that the body is going crazy due to corona vaccines

Photo: ANP Photo: Sem van der Wal

Corona vaccines do not seem to lead to an overreaction of the body. No evidence has been found for such an effect and therefore it does not have to be in the package leaflets of the vaccines, says the European regulator, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in Amsterdam.

The organization conducted research into the so-called multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS). Inflammation occurs in several places in the body at the same time, for example in the heart, lungs, blood vessels, kidneys, intestines, brain, skin or eyes. When that happens, people may experience, for example, diarrhea, high fever, vomiting, stomach pain, headache, red eyes and rapid breathing. It is known that this can happen with a corona infection. This is rare, but it can be life-threatening.

‘Insufficient evidence between complaints and vaccines’

The EMA’s safety committee, the PRAC, concludes that there is ‘currently insufficient evidence’ for a link between the corona vaccines and those complaints, but calls on doctors to continue to report the complaints.

The EMA has also asked vaccine manufacturers Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna for more information about possible inflammation of the heart after vaccination. These conditions, myocarditis and pericarditis, are listed in the package inserts as possible side effects.

The EMA is also looking into another possible side effect of the Moderna vaccine. So far, six cases have been reported in which people suffered from leaking capillaries after vaccination. This can lead to swelling and low blood pressure. “At the moment it is not yet clear whether there is a causal relationship between the vaccination and the reports,” said the regulator.

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