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EM: Finnish fans infected with Corona

In connection with games at the European Football Championship, numerous stadium visitors in Finland and Denmark have tested positive for the corona virus.

The virus was detected in almost 100 fans of the Finnish national team after their return from St. Petersburg, as the authorities in Finland announced on Thursday. (Everything you need to know about the 2021 European Football Championship)

In the Russian metropolis Finland had played against Russia (0: 1) last week and against Belgium (0: 2) on Monday. So far, 86 corona tests have been positive at customs posts along the border with Russia. Further evaluations are still ongoing. Because of the crowd, however, 800 people returned without a test, local media report.

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“It is important that everyone takes a test,” said Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin at the EU summit in Brussels. The number of new infections in Finland had risen from around 50 per day to more than 100 on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Corona numbers increase in Russia

In Russia, the number of new corona infections has been growing again for weeks, and the delta variant, which is considered to be more contagious, is spreading.

Corona infections also caused a sensation among viewers of European Championship games in Denmark. Three fans tested positive for the Delta variant of the corona virus after they had been in the stadium in the game between Denmark and Belgium (1: 2) last week. The health authorities therefore asked 4,000 fans from certain blocks to do a PCR test.

“The three infected people all independently indicate that the location of the infection was the game,” said Anette Lykke Petri, director of the Danish Agency for Patient Safety, the Danish broadcaster TV2.

According to the agency, a total of 29 positive cases have occurred in connection with the three European Championship games in Copenhagen.

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