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EM 2021 star Robin Gosens had residual alcohol in his blood when he was discovered

EM 2021: Robin Gosens reveals wild party night before his discovery (photo montage)

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European Championship star Robin Gosens reveals in his biography “Dreaming is worth revealing: My somewhat different path to becoming a professional footballer” that he still had some alcohol left on his discovery. An encounter with consequences.

Munich – Robin Gosens (26) has been called the “Man of the Match” since the Germany game against Portugal. He not only helped the Germans to 4-2 with a goal, but also provided two assists and was otherwise an indispensable part of the field. But that he is in the national team at all borders on a miracle. Because the soccer star has never played in a youth performance center, but was discovered at a game by VfL Rhede, and he even had some residual alcohol intus. An encounter that is now making history.

Robin Gosens was discovered at the age of 17

Robin Gosens will certainly not forget July 19, 2021 in his life – because in the game against Portugal the footballer cracked Bastian Schweinsteiger’s record. He was able to book three goal investments in his account and now shares the space with Schweini. But the 26-year-old’s path was definitely not quite the same as that of his colleagues. Because as Robin reveals in his biography “Dreaming is worth it: My somewhat different path to becoming a professional footballer”, when he discovered it, he had a heavy night of partying behind him and even had some residual alcohol at the VfL Rhede game.

Robin Gosens played a fantastic game against Portugal.

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Robin Gosens was partying until 6 a.m. on the eve of his discovery

“I was one of those who believed that I could play a little better with three Atü on the kettle. (…) So we went to the top game in Kleve and, regardless of the heavy evening before, we were hot for the kick-off. Our team was really good, a lot was possible. As for me, I actually played superbly. Scored a goal, took a penalty and gave an assist. We won 3: 1. “, Robin Gosens describes the decisive match. “After that, I just wanted to take a shower and go home to spend the rest of the day in bed when a guy suddenly stood in front of me and said to me in broken German: ‘Robin, that might sound a bit strange on, but I would like to invite you to a trial training session at Vitesse Arnhem ”, Gosens continues.

The meeting came and the soccer star tried by all means to hide his alcohol flag. With success! The transfer takes place and Robin moves to Vitesse’s U19 – the beginning of his career. Another club change followed until he finally gained a foothold at Atalanta Bergamo in 2017 and since then has made it into the Champions League three times. An extraordinary story that couldn’t have started more exciting and from which the German team is currently benefiting greatly.

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