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Elon Musk wants to finance trips to Mars in exchange for work

Photo: Philip Pacheco / AFP (Getty Images)

SpaceX director Elon Musk admitted in the past that many of the people he wants to send to Mars must be prepaired for run the risk of dying in the process, but now it has sweetened these perspectives with the idea of ​​giving work to its space travelers.

Thursday night, Musk answered some questions on Twitter about the Starship, your spacecraft prototype; a vehicle that, according to him, will transport settlers from Mars as part of a colonization effort To save the species. And, well, their answers are amazing. Musk says it will be necessary to send cargo megatons to space every year, which is probably true! And set an ambitious schedule of production of 100 spaceships per year until reaching a total of 1000 in the next decade. That fleet will be able to transport an average of 100 megatons a year or about 100,000 people “for each Earth-Mars orbital synchronization,” the lowest distance between Earth and Mars, which occurs every 26 months or so.

That would lead SpaceX towards its goal of having a million people on Mars by 2050, assuming the idea is not stupid with very little or no chance that it really happens, and that Musk’s mathematics makes sense, which we have not bothered to calculate.

Of course, anyone who wants to go to Mars will have to pay, despite the fact that the red planet is technically a SpaceX workplace.

But if you can’t pay it, you can ask for a loan and pay it off working for SpaceX once you’re there, which is definitely not a bondage contract because … uh … because it happens on Mars. That seems to be the logic.

Mars is also the reason why Musk considers himself a millionaire and “Actually a socialist” at the same time.

Now relax and remember: a new life awaits you in the colonies of another world. The opportunity to start over in a golden land of opportunities and adventures. Offered by SpaceX ™.

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