We’re interested in this announcement because it could revolutionize our understanding of how algorithms influence our online interactions, and it could also inspire other companies to follow Twitter’s lead on transparency.
In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what this decision could mean for the future of technology and online transparency.
The open-source Twitter algorithm #Short
- Algorithms are ubiquitous in our lives and our Internet activity. They shape our experience on the social networks, websites and apps we use every day.
- Twitter uses its own feed algorithm to present each user with the most relevant and interesting tweets for him.
- How Twitter’s algorithm works has always been shrouded in mystery, raising concerns about its transparency and impact on our online interactions.
- Elon Musk recently announced that Twitter will open source its feed algorithm the week of March 27, 2023.
- Opening up the source of Twitter’s algorithm could provide a better understanding of how it actually works, but there are limits and issues related to this initiativeas well as potential consequences for the online information and technology industry.
The Twitter algorithm, soon available in open-source?
Algorithms have taken center stage in our online lives, shaping our experience on the social networks, websites and apps we use every day. Twitter, one of the most popular platforms in the world, also uses its own feed algorithm to present each user with the most relevant and interesting tweets for him. This is also what makes, in part, the success of this network, which offers relevant content to everyone.
More how this algorithm works has always been shrouded in some mysterycausing mainly concerns about its transparency and its impact on our online interactions.
That’s why Elon Musk’s recent announcement that Twitter is opening the source of its feed algorithm as open source as early as next week may well spark a lot of interest. If this comes to fruition, it could mark a turning point in how tech companies approach the notion of transparency through their algorithms.

In French, here is the content of his tweet:
Our “algorithm” is overly complex and not fully understood internally. People will discover a lot of silly things, but we’ll fix issues as soon as they’re discovered!
We’re developing a simplified approach to delivering more compelling tweets, but it’s still a work in progress. This approach will also be open source.
Code transparency will be incredibly unsettling at first, but it should quickly improve the quality of recommendations. More importantly, we hope to earn your trust.
Elon Musk, Twitter
Overall, this announcement is relatively significant for the future of technology and online transparency, as it could encourage more transparency and accountability in the use of algorithms by tech companies.
Twitter users and Internet users in general could thus benefit from a greater understanding and better control over algorithms that shape their online experience.
Now we just have to wait and see if Elon Musk actually puts this announcement into action…
Before leaving…
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