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Elon Musk: The Fallen God of Innovation and Controversy

In 1956, Allen Ginsberg published a poem called Howl which began with the phrase: “I have seen the best minds of my generation…”. 34 years later, the replicant Roy Batty would immortalize a monologue in Blade Runner beginning with the phrase: “I have seen things you wouldn’t believe…”. 11 years later, David Foster Wallacelocked up for a week on a cruise ship so white and clean that it seemed boiled, would also write: «I have seen Five hundred posh Americans dance the Electro Slide. I have seen sunsets that seemed manipulated by a computer…”

So now it’s my turn. I come to tell you that I have seen God. Man must pursue what exceeds his understanding and I, Galo Abrain, have returned to tell you about it. Yes I saw it. I have seen God and it has transparent horns of flammable gas that fuel an onanistic obsession with its reflection. I have seen the conqueror of worlds; to the Sun King of the new century pissing on the power of the Earth States and designing mechanical supernovae for mind control. I have heard of his games of human RISK, in which he shakes the living souls of the continents like liquid plastic figurines, reducing your existence to a binary universe. I have known of his unapologetic generosity, like that of a dealer handing out microns to induce addiction, and then asking for the bill with interest. I have learned from his confessors that it is a genius made man in the hostile orchards of Pretoria, South Africa. The same as I have known that he is a complete asshole…

The name of this curious square-headed god – masculinized android taken from the film Metropolis– is Elon Musk, and his Bible has just been published. The New Testament that narrates his wanderings on earth has been written by Walter Isaacson. The friendly biographer, who looks like he belongs to the Sicilian mafia from Brooklyn or is a Republican governor (I don’t know if there is much difference), has presented to the world a text of almost 700 papers in which the adventures of the Christian messiah are narrated (because, and unlike other creeds, this is the son of God and God at the same time). EITHER, Perhaps, it is not so much God we are talking about, but rather his opposite… From the main tenant of the Lost paradise by John Milton.


His initial coronation was back in 1999, when Elon Musk earned $22 million for selling his first stratup.With the bitches, in addition to taking on a big sports car Wolf of Wall Street, founded a new company. As the title of that crazy movie by Oriol Capel said, Don’t call it love… call it Xbecause that’s how he was baptized the company: X. Then it was renamed, very appropriately although by phagotization, PayPal. The directors of what is still one of the favorite payment formulas for cryptobrokers and digital employees, decided Send Musk to fry asparagus. They fired him for embers and buzzedwanting to take everything to the next level, even at the risk of loss.

Later, when PayPal was sold to eBay, Musk pocketed $250 million. And what was going through your mind? It is possible to imagine that, since he had outgrown being an astronaut, he wanted to become the slingshot that would send them into space. Rather, the creator and owner of the slingshot. And so SpaceX was born. Perhaps new proof of his status as a beautiful fallen angel. If Satan said in the Lost paradise that he preferred: “Reign in Hell than serve in Heaven”, Elon Musk says: “Better to buy heaven than to serve it”. A more capitalist version, although equally valid if we talk about self-determination and independence.

But before we delve into his auction offer for the little blue plot that covers us, let’s go back to the past. When the young angel wet the bed, far from the divinity that would end urinating on the pride and autonomy of governments around the world.


The saying goes that he who looks like his father deserves honor. We don’t know all the secrets inside his current home, but yes of the ghosts that howl in the closets of your childhood. Among them a parent, apparently, who loves giving young Elon insane sessions of psychological violence. And as psychoanalysis already warns us, childhood traumas are a window to the character of maturity. to that sum up bullying (although it seems that there is no soul in this world that has not now, suddenly, suffered it) from the pubescent cretins of his institute, and a consequent radicalization in itselfadded to an immersion in the vast world of science fiction.

No one doubted that he was a sharp kid. Add, however, A skyrocketing IQ with a low empathy education tends to strongly carve out sociopathy. Let’s integrate compulsive reading of Asimov novels, video games and the discovery of programming into the equation. Nobody who combined the testosterone effervescence of these three elements, added to an environment of family dramatic intensity, can come out straight and calm. This is how Isaacson, his particular apostle, puts it like a biblical Matthew and John, who does not cut a single hair in hang on him the adjectives of liar, obsessive, conniving and risk addict since his physics studies in the United States. Fortunately for Elon, the system we are involved in gives cretin-selfish Adamism a premium with moral disdain as long as they are geniuses. After all, they are the machines that produce the most money. However, also, those who most easily squander it.


For the teacher of Innovation at IE Business School, Enrique Dans (in this case, more of a follower in the sense that Mark and Luke were, than the apostle Isaacson mentioned above), Musk is, above all, a divine visionary for his aerospace and automotive lighting. If we compare it with Toy StoryMusk wants to be Woody on the back of a magical horse, and Buzz Lightyear flying through space at will.

Therefore, both in its logistics Tesla as from Space Xforces the machinery until leaving in the comedy of alienation the Modern timesby Charles Chaplin. Some gears made up of engineers to whom presses harder than the nuts of a submarineachieving deadlines impossible. At least, as has been mentioned, for ordinary mortals. His formula is, a priori, simple, an economy of scale. More to more, to more to moreand if it slips, you invest more again. Elon Musk is, in business, like a learned roulette player who knows that if he gets black when betting on red, he must double the bet on the same color.. And insist. And keep. That is why its constellation of satellites called Starlink hover in space at a ridiculous price for everything that had been previously conceived. That allowed him to hang his medal for saving homelands – never better said – in the Ukrainian conflict.

If the Russians had blown up the satellites available to the Zelensky government, Musk the divine proposed to maintain the communication status quo in the conflict. Now, not at any price. When Ukrainian troops began using Starlink satellites to guide drones packed with explosives to the coast of Crimeathe messiah saw himself less as the savior of humanity and more as the successor of Ariman. Bad thing… Musk then reversed. Starlink didn’t fall, it lay down. Frantic StarLink engineers began hitting the off. Your company would not be part of an offensive. The Ukrainians tore their hair and demanded accounts, but the god Elon, in his magnificence, He didn’t want blood staining his hands.. At least, not so clearly.


Elon Musk may have a lot bad baba with their partners -as his biographer clarifies- but his aura continues to attract devout believers; direct and indirect. Adorers of their bravery, perhaps reckless, perhaps crazy, but certainly electrifying. Tesla did not intend to be a leader in the sale of electric vehicles, but rather to force the system to become what Musk wants; a business without pollution from consumption -by production, another rooster crows- Have you achieved a cultural imaginary around the decarbonization of the automotive world? Clear! Why has he done it? For humanism? For environmentalism? It’s hard to believe… It seems more like pedantry and obsessions. If your vision is consistent with interests, apparently, of global value: don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. This is where his Twitter fetish comes from: the patio of your house that you want to make private.

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter was promoted as an investment in freedom of expression, almost like a sacrifice!, in favor of democracy. Then we see how the current return to that old dream of x.com: a mix of social network and digital banking. Charging for its use will surely be the final surprise. Of course, there is in Elon Musk a desire to be able to cement the foundations of a platform where you can continue with your rancid and childish jokeswhich the Great Divine justifies in a fight against the “virus woke”. I will not be the one to deny him the sacrosanct appetite to indulge in the paganism of nonsenseof the joke as a flag, but sell the free joke on the cover scheming usury for their benefit from behind, sounds perverse, to say the least.


Although his apostle Isaacson denies that drugs have impaired Elon Musk, others, like the writer Roman Farrown, suggest that who he smoked a family-sized bludgeon in the middle of a radio interview (I don’t know who was surprised; incense has always been part of the divine sacraments) has lost its way due to ketamine. This dissociative anesthetic, apparently more typical of a clandestine rave than of high places, is inciting anxiety, dissociation from reality, as well as a taste that makes you fall pleasantly out of time and life. It is easy to think that a character like Musk has surrendered to the consumption of all the artificial stimulants there are. Above all, taking into account its disposition to overstimulation, whether one’s own or someone else’s. It’s true, some of his tweets and interventions attest to being more hung up than a ham. But, let’s be honest, being God – or at least believing it – How can you not give free rein to your madness in front of the world? After all, you consider it yours, right?


Max Weber spoke of specialists devoid of spirituality, and enjoyers devoid of heart, who believed they had reached a new stage of humanity. Outside of the divine jokes and hyperboles described above, it is indisputable, whether it is read to his biographer or his followers, that Elon Musk is a guru with power overdose of renaissance paranoia. Although, who wouldn’t believe themselves to be the king of mambo in their situation? If I think about him, I see Sean Connery in that cool movie called The man who could reign, by John Huston. A gifted and brave man, but not for that reason free of misplaced messianic self-perceptions. Because it has always been said that the one who deserves to reign is the one who wants it least and, Musk, given what we have seen, he wants it at all costs. Finally, it is worth asking, Is there any other way to lead the world other than believing yourself above it? It is surely not the ideal arrangement, but it is the one that has accompanied us throughout most of history. A story, that of the Earth as we know it that, whether we like it or not, will have the last name Musk engraved on it for years to come.

2023-10-03 14:59:50
#Prometheus #Silicon #Valley #Elon #Musk #fallen #angel

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