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Elon Musk pays whoever goes to the front

Tesla, Elon Musk’s electric car giant, said it will pay Ukrainian employees who have been required to return home to fight Russia. President Volodymyr Zelensky had in fact recalled to the country all the reservists who have been abroad since February, since before the start of the war.

Ukraine, Elon Musk intervenes: the civilian initiatives carried out by Tesla

On Monday, March 7, Tesla sent a email to their employees in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, explaining that they “want to do the what right”, Monitoring how the situation in Ukraine is evolving and making known the measures that the company has taken to help the country in the conflict unleashed by Vladimir Putin’s Russia.

Tesla has decided to open some free fast charging stations Supercharging bordering on Poland, Hungary e Slovakia to support those who own an electric car and find it difficult to leave the country or move. Tesla does not operate directly in Ukraine, despite the fact that there are at least 5,000 vehicles of the brand in the state.

In the letter to the workers, the electric car giant thanked the volunteers of Giga Berlin and the German teams for having taken action in record time to test, configure, pack and send several hundred unit Starlink to be sent to the Kiev Ministry of Digital Transformation.

The operation was carried out in just three days, and is already allowing the populations affected by the bombings to access internet across the satellite system owned by SpaceX (which we told you about here), Elon Musk’s aerospace firm. To power the modems, Tesla also sent hundreds of Powerwalls, gods generators that recharge a energy solar and keep it.

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Tesla ensures the salary paid for three months to those who return to Ukraine to fight

For all Tesla employees with Ukrainian citizenship who have applied to return home to serve in the military, the company explained, they will continue to receive their salary for at least three months.

The measure could be extended if the conflict continues, even if the automotive giant’s hope is that the war will end as soon as possible. Tesla has also beefed up its program support to employees of Europe, the Middle East and Africa, offering counseling free and support resources to all workers disturbed or directly affected by the war in Ukraine.

In closing the email, Elon Musk’s company reminded all employees that it is possible to make a donation to an organization of your choice, with a short list of entities such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Unicef, the Red Cross, the World Food Program, the World Health Organization.

We have already spoken to you here about Elon Musk’s initiative for Ukraine with Starlink satellites. And while the countries and the powerful of the earth are divided on humanitarian aid to Ukraine, war could have devastating consequences for all of us, as explained here.

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