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Elon Musk named Time Magazine Personality of the Year

Named personality of the year by the American magazine Time on Monday, Elon Musk, boss of Tesla and SpaceX and the richest man on the planet, is not unanimous, arousing both admiration and harsh criticism.

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At the head of a fortune estimated by Forbes at more than 260 billion dollars, Mr. Musk, 50, will have left his mark on 2021, as much for his entrepreneurial successes as his projections on Twitter.

“Personality of the year is a marker of influence,” wrote Time boss Edward Felsenthal in an editorial. “Few people have as much influence as Mr. Musk over life on Earth and potentially life off Earth as well.”

With the space exploration company SpaceX, which he founded in 2002, he has had a series of successes, from an exclusive contract signed with NASA to build the next moon landing module of the American agency to the first orbital mission. history with no professional astronaut on board.

“The overall goal is to allow life to develop on multiple planets and to turn humanity into a space civilization,” Musk said in the interview with Time.

“The next big goal is to build a self-sustaining city on Mars and bring in animals and creatures on Earth. A bit like a Noah’s ark from the future, ”added the entrepreneur of South African origin, naturalized Canadian and then American.

Tesla, which Musk has led since 2008, also had a boom year, continuing to lead the coveted electric vehicle market.

On Wall Street, the company joined in October the very small club of groups worth more than $ 1,000 billion on the stock market. In the third quarter, it delivered more than 240,000 vehicles, a record.

“Our goal with Tesla has always been to serve as an example for the automotive industry in the hope that other manufacturers will also manufacture electric vehicles in order to accelerate the transition to sustainable technologies,” said Mr. Musk.

Tesla’s good stock market health has also benefited the billionaire’s bank account, who recently pledged to sell 10% of his stake in the company after polling his followers on Twitter.

Mr. Musk, who has already shed more than 11 million Tesla shares, is expected to use some of the profits from the sale to pay his taxes.

A big fan of Twitter, where he has more than 66 million subscribers, Mr. Musk expresses himself there extensively, most often to share memes and schoolboy jokes, but also to express his opinions.

“His personality is as divisive as his vision,” Mr. Felsenthal writes, noting that Mr. Musk “seems to revel in divisions and aggressive taunts via social media.”

The leader does not hesitate to scratch his rivals, in particular his rival Jeff Bezos, reacting to a tweet from the founder of Amazon and Blue Origin with an emoji representing a silver medal.

To Vermont senator and former Democratic nomination contestant Bernie Sanders, who suggested taxing the richest more, he recently retorted, “I forget all the time you’re still alive.”

Mr. Musk also took to Twitter to praise Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency that was originally parodic, helping to send the price soaring.

On bitcoin, however, he backtracked: after announcing that Tesla would accept payments in the most famous crypto-asset, he reneged on his commitment, citing the environmental impact of bitcoin mining (a technique for creating cryptocurrencies) .

Artificial intelligence and neurotechnologies are among the leader’s other favorite subjects on the twitter network.

Mr. Musk also appeared on the small screen in May hosting the popular entertainment show “Saturday Night Live” on NBC.

He revealed on this occasion that he had Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism.

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