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Elon Musk Demands Accountability for Accusing Russia of Disinformation: Military Review Reports

Elon Musk demanded that US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken be held accountable for falsely accusing the Russian government of disinformation to cover up corruption in the Biden family. About this today, April 22, writes the online publication “Military Review».

The call of the head of SpaceX and Tesla, Elon Musk, appeared as a comment on a post on the social network of an American businessman David Sachs. The latter wrote that Secretary Blinken “staged a hoax in which 51 government officials falsely accused the Russian government of disinformation to cover up corruption in the Biden family.”

“Is it any wonder that American diplomacy enjoys such low respect. There was a time when such a revelation would have forced him to resign immediately, ”Sacks wrote and lamented that today the American media are not even interested in how Blinken’s participation in the above dirty deceit will affect peace negotiations with Russia, and in general on politics in against the Kremlin.

“There must be some responsibility for this!” Elon Musk wrote in the comments.

Previously EADaily reported that the Russian electronic warfare system (EW) is capable of fighting satellites in geostationary orbit. This was stated by the head of SpaceX and Tesla Elon Musk.

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