The beautiful singer knows Maria De Filippi very well and let herself go to a confession about her. What will Costanzo’s wife think of her words?
Praise is now an established singer, after a long apprenticeship that has seen her go from the studio of Friends of Mary From Philippi to which he arrives after receiving a nice no to X Factor. His career is now launched, San Remo, singles that everyone hums, even an episode of Hyenas.
In his private life he has had a long story with my colleague Marracash, now concluded, and from this summer his name is associated with the motorcycle rider Andrew Iannone. A story that confirmed a Sunday In where he said: “Am I in love? I’m in a very good period from a sentimental point of view. I have been dating Andrea for almost two months and I try to do things like an adult, slowly we get to know each other. I’m fascinated by authenticity in a man and Andre is like that”.
The difficult life
Today beloved singer, Praise he revealed that he hasn’t had a very easy life. Guest a Freewheeling from usOf Francesca Fialdini, he said: “Everyone knows it, I had a complex childhood: I grew up in a popular neighborhood in Rome. I soon discovered what human beings are, therefore fallible, twisted. It’s not easy for a little girl to understand. But now I can say it: at 30 I live and play with the same enthusiasm as a child. I’m taking back my childhood.”
From the capital she moved to Salento and to maintain herself did the Cubist, a very particular period: “It wasn’t easy at the beginning: it was hard, I struggled with myself and with the others. I saw people looking at me like I was easy. I didn’t see any approval in their gaze, but it helped me so much not to get touched by what people thought. I had fun, I worked, I didn’t do anything wrong”.
Elodies on Maria De Filippi
He’s come a long way praise, but she certainly does not forget her beginnings, to whom she owes the success she has achieved, to those who believed in her, that is Maria DeFilippi.

When he didn’t even want to sing anymore, as he admits: “After X Factor I didn’t sing for some time, at least for four years. I didn’t even sing in the shower” thanks to De Filippi she has begun to believe in herself again.
And of her he said: “Maria is an observer, she gives you the possibility to behave and express yourself as you wish. She and how a mother, a mother who is right for my parameters is the one who observes you but leaves you the possibility to move: this was it for me”.