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Elly Schlein on differentiated autonomy: “It also penalizes the North”

“How can a boy or a girl, even here in Milan, build a future for themselves?” he asks Elly Schlein from the stage of the Festa dell’Unità in Milan. She does so while talking about work, the first topic she addresses in front of the audience at Arci Corvetto: “Enough with precariousness and poor work,” says the Democratic secretary, inviting everyone to the stand collecting signatures for the minimum wage.

The other hot topic of the day is differentiated autonomy: according to Schlein the reform also penalises the North, in line with what the mayor has been denouncing for some time Beppe Sala. «It is absurd to imagine being able to have twenty different energy policies when we need a common, European one, to be able to lower bills for both businesses and families». And again: public health to be defended because «the right wants health care tailored to people’s wallets», equal leave for both parents, the Ius scholae. «We will be in the front line to change that wrong law of 1992» on citizenship, «because for us, anyone born and raised in Italy is Italian. The center-left was wrong not to do it before».

During the secretary’s speech the microphone goes off for several minutes: the audience sings “Bella ciao” waiting for her to start speaking again. The organizers say 2,500 people came to listen to her. And she attacks the government, commenting on the case of Minister Sangiuliano: “He loses credibility. It is a widespread problem of the ruling class that is in government. Our political judgment is extremely negative on the government and on what has been done for culture”. Inaugurated on Friday with the metropolitan secretary Alessandro Capelli and the Lombard secretary Silvia Roggianithe Festa dell’Unità at Arci Corvetto continues until Sunday, September 15. Among the various events, on Tuesday 11th there will be a discussion about security with the councilors of Palazzo Marino Marco Granelli and Gaia Romani, the mayor’s delegate and former police chief Franco Gabrielli and the chaplain of Beccaria Don Claudio Burgio.

Wednesday is the turn of the development of large urban areas with the rector of Bicocca and president of Crui Giovanna Iannantuni and the deputy mayor Anna ScavuzzoThursday 12th the director of Popular Radio Lorenza Ghidini interviews the mayor Beppe Sala. It closes on Sunday 15th with an interview with Stefano Bonaccini and talking about housing policies with the councilor Guido Bardelli.

#Elly #Schlein #differentiated #autonomy #penalizes #North
– 2024-09-08 07:10:49

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