Home » today » World » Elliott Abrams confirmed that Nicolás Maduro and Juan Guaidó could stand for the new elections under the plan proposed by the US

Elliott Abrams confirmed that Nicolás Maduro and Juan Guaidó could stand for the new elections under the plan proposed by the US

The US government indicated Thursday that the dictator Nicolás Maduro could be a candidate in the new elections in Venezuela, if he accepts the proposal launched this week by Washington to carry out a process of democratic transition in the Caribbean country. The claim represents a shift in the stance of the Donald Trump administration, which had previously indicated that the dictator would not be able to stand in the elections.

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Elliott Abrams, in charge of Venezuela for the State Department, clarified: “There is only one person in Venezuela who cannot be personal: the person who is interim president (of the Council of State), because in fragile situations someone cannot lead the government and be a candidate

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At a press conference, Abrams highlighted that even if he decided to stand for the elections, private polls indicate that “Maduro’s approval is between 12 and 15 percent”, so “he has zero chances” of winning those eventual elections.

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On Tuesday, the head of US diplomacy, Mike Pompeo, presented the plan. Entitled “framework for a peaceful democratic transition” in Venezuela, contemplates a scenario in which both Maduro and Guaidó would step aside to allow a Council of State, elected by members of the National Assembly from both camps, organize new presidential and legislative elections “within 6 to 12 months”. At the time of presenting the plan, the officials had indicated that the interim president, Juan Guaidó, could be a candidate.

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The State Department said that the different sanctions imposed would be lifted as the plan progresses, which would also allow negotiating loans with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

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The official also indicated that the military will have “an important role in determining the future” of the country. As he stressed, Venezuela “needs security forces that are better remunerated, equipped,” and the support of the Armed Forces would be “a key step” for the US plan to prosper.

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Regarding Maduro’s rejection, Abrams said he knew it was going to happen. When asked about the possible rejection by the Chavista regime, which different members of the regime have stated, he indicated: “The other alternative is for the situation to continue and get worse. You saw how Maduro called the IMF for a USD 5 billion loan and it was immediately rejected. There will be greater political and economic problems for Venezuela. “

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Venezuela is experiencing an aggravated economic collapse since Maduro came to power in 2013, which caused the country to flee almost five million people, according to the UN.

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From Caracas, Juan Guaidó backed the proposal, very similar to one raised by the opposition in failed talks mediated by Norway last September, and called on Maduro to do the same.. The OAS and member countries of the Lima Group have also launched the initiative, as have countries like Germany and the United Kingdom.

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The rejection of the Maduro regime came through a statement released by Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza, in which he called the proposal “an alleged unconstitutional transitional government” “ephemeral.” In its support, Russia called the proposal a “mockery.”

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