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Elizabeth told me that my falling in love was fake

The tensions in the house of the Big Brother Vip they are more and more frequent and it seems that some relationships are on the verge of collapsing, like that of the Gregorellis. Pierpaolo Pretelli just not there, the last discussion he had with Elisabetta Gregoraci did not send it down and still very irritated by what the showgirl said, he confided in the other women of the house, namely Maria Teresa Ruta, Giulia Salemi and Stefania Orlando, to which Rosalinda has also been added.

Pierpaolo Pretelli’s outburst

The former velino tells the other tenants what happened between him and Briatore’s ex-wife. The fight in the sauna seems to have been a real attack of jealousy, where the showgirl would have launched some heavy digs: “He says at thirty I still know kids, stop, because I know what I did, I have a son, two jobs, you are really the wrong person ” Thus begins the harangue of Pierpaolo Pretelli who by now has abandoned the clothes of the sympathetic boy and begins to not bear certain attitudes, as confirmed by the other women of the house:

I went to the sauna, we talked, I went to bed, she comes over and says “tomorrow thanks to you I’m leaving, I’ll open the red door” and she went to sleep. She did not want to pass me as a victim, she is terrified that she could pass for the one that makes me sick. But vaff .. what game is it? Then he tells me yours was a fake fall in love, beautiful you have the wrong person because I have been such an open book with you, you just want friendship? So be a friend, what do you want from me? He told me I’m a butterfly, he said ‘you see I was right not to trust’. Trust me what, since you’ve always aimed at friendship? Until the other day she was crying for me, let’s not joke.

Pierpaolo Pretelli changes his attitude

The speech becomes more and more accessible and the model also listens to the opinions of his confidants. There are those who highlight the fact that there has never been a real clarity on the part of Gregoraci, as noted by Maria Teresa Ruta and who, on the other hand, like Giulia Salemi alludes to a hypothetical change of roles where she is part of the injury of the ‘couple’, a vision that Pretelli fully shares, and then explains to Rosalinda that everything was born from one too many winks that Elisabetta would have seen between him and the Italo-Persian gieffina:

I told her you’re trying to turn the omelette over and I’m gone. There I become another person, I know how I lived it and I was silent so as not to put her in difficulty, I have always had respect. Going through the fake lover, no, but … I sensed that she wanted to turn the omelette. If you feel jealousy, I don’t feel jealous for a friend, then it must have been clear with herself, that then with Giulia, with Giulia there is sympathy, but there isn’t, if she didn’t make the joke Alfonso wouldn’t even come out. If before I was thoughtful, I was careful, now that’s enough … I only think of myself.

(who, full video)

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