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Elite Corsaris d’Eivissa identifies 350 new transport pirates

Elite Corsaris d’Eivissa identifies 350 new transport pirates

The tracking and tracing work carried out by a group of taxi drivers and staff from coach companies this past season has detected 350 license plates of vehicles that have been transporting passengers irregularly in Ibiza.

It so happens that, despite the stoppage in economic activity and the short period in which tourist establishments have been open, intrusion in this sector has hardly been reduced compared to 2019, when some 400 pirate vehicles were collected. .

The author of this report, Francisco Martínez, president of the Professional Taxi Drivers Association of Sant Josep de sa Talaia, presented this work last week to the Consell de Ibiza and the town councils of Vila, Sant Josep and Sant Joan, since «Sant Antoni and Santa Eulària do not have an operating electronic headquarters [para dar registro de entrada al documento]”, need.

The identification of the offending vehicles is carried out through a WhatsApp group that has the participation of Elite Corsaris d’Eivissa and numerous taxi drivers, as well as drivers and staff of the bus companies and Transport Vehicles with Driver (VTC) Ibiza.

Throughout the season, the components of this group are identifying and photographing the vans and private vehicles that offer their service as pirate taxi, as well as the VTCs of other autonomous communities that work relocated in Ibiza.

In the latter case, those foreign VTCs are included for the report when it is found that they exceed the limit of 18 days per quarter that the Law allows them to bill outside their territory.

In total, 68 registrations of this offer have been recorded, corresponding to companies on the peninsula that work irregularly in Ibiza.

In addition, of all these VTCs, 31 of them are repeat offenders, since they had already been operating on the island in 2019.

Repeat pirates

The number of license plates that repeat the season exercising unfair competition rises to 94 if the rest of the vehicles that have also been identified and tracked in recent months are added.

In total, the professional group has registered 234 vans and 43 pirate cars this year, in addition to five vehicles with blue registration (typical of taxis and VTC) that do not appear in the registry of the Ministry of Development.

“There are more, but this year it has become more difficult to detect pirate taxi drivers who go with private cars,” says Martínez.

The author of the report also regrets that the intrusion into his sector has been repeated at these levels in a season in which “more than a thousand colleagues have not had the option of working as there are no seasonal taxis, as have many drivers of the buses or companies that have remained closed ”.

Elite Corsaris d’Eivissa identifies 350 new transport pirates

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