This is not the first time that Elissa has made statements about Syrian and Palestinian refugees
Once again, the Lebanese singer Elissa sparked a wide controversy on social media by calling on refugees in Lebanon to return to their countries, which drew harsh criticism, including accusations of the singer of “promoting inflammatory rhetoric against refugees.”
The controversy erupted this time after Elissa re-shared a group of tweets criticizing the presence of Palestinian and Syrian refugees in Lebanon and deeming them “a burden that burdens the state economically and politically.”
These tweets come against the background of the escalation of tension in the region during the past days, following the firing of dozens of rockets from southern Lebanon, which Israel accused Palestinian groups of being behind.
On her Twitter account, Elissa published tweets by journalists and activists criticizing the Syrian and Palestinian presence in Lebanon, and arrows of criticism directed at Hezbollah. .
After these posts, Elissa found herself facing a campaign of attack and criticism, which forced her to respond by tweeting her respect for all Arab peoples.
She added, “I do not think that I insult anyone when I demand his return to his homeland because it is the homeland of man and his dignity. Because I love you and I hope that you all return to your homeland.”
As the attack continued, Elisa returned to express her surprise at the accusations, but this did not mitigate the criticism.
“new downfall”
Although Elissa did not specify the identity of those who asked them to leave Lebanon, many accused her of adopting “populist speeches that are not appropriate for an artist, from which they used to speak with a tongue against all forms of violence and discrimination.”
Some say that Elissa’s posts intersect with political discourses and partisan campaigns that hold the Syrian refugee responsible for the deteriorating economic conditions in Lebanon.
Therefore, commentators believe that Elisa fell into the trap of incitement against refugees. Some even considered her an example of a “racist and politicized” artist.
Commentators were keen to remind the artist of the international conditions and restrictions that prevent Palestinians from leaving Lebanon for another country.
Syrian commentators also indicated that the conditions for a safe return to their country are still difficult for some.
Some of them spoke of a number of dangers faced by those who returned voluntarily.
Others also called on the artist not to confuse refugees with political factions.
“has an opinion”
On the other hand, others expressed their understanding of Elissa and accused her critics of distorting her words ،Some even considered her “right” in calling for refugees to return to their countries.
Elissa’s supporters justify their success by saying that the conditions in the region are suitable for the return of Syrian refugees to their country, pointing out that “Lebanon bears burdens that other Arab countries did not bear.”
Others also mentioned Elisa’s previous positions to emphasize her support for the Palestinians and regional issues.
There are also those who defended the right of his favorite singer to express her opinion on issues affecting her country.
Some described her as “having an opinion and a position.” .
Asala is online
The controversy over Elissa’s posts reached its peak after the Syrian artist, Asala Nasri, responded to her colleague.
The Syrian artist, known for her opposition to the rule of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, called for taking into account the difficult conditions of refugees.
And she continued in a tweet: “We are all refugees on earth, and no one owns any place in any land. We are all visitors, no matter how long our visit is.. We must have mercy on each other, the world is difficult and people’s conditions are difficult, and no one puts a tent over his head, and what is available today may not be available tomorrow. ”
Asala’s tweet won the admiration of a group of commentators who saw that Elisa did not respect the right of fellowship with many artists who were forced by circumstances to live outside their home countries.
On the contrary, others launched an attack on Asala, accusing her of exploiting the situation.
While Asala was quick to respond to the accusation, stressing that the difference in opinions will not affect her relationship with her colleague.
Artist neutrality
The fiery events in the Arab region prompted many stars to enter the fray of politics, which caused a state of discomfort among their fans. Is the artist expected to maintain his positions, so that his popularity will not be affected? Is the artist not an ordinary citizen? Should his role be limited to presenting works of art only?
In the debate surrounding Elissa’s tweets and Asala’s response to her, questions are raised regarding the relationship between art and politics and the artist’s role in the political debate.
Some have placed the posts that Elissa shared in the category of freedom of expression, which allows any artist to express his political opinion like any other citizen.
And there are those who believe that the tendency to prevent the artist from expressing a political or social position is inconsistent with the calls of the masses, who always demand the Arab artist to enrich his experience politically and socially.
Some define the artist as a person who is brave enough to express his opinions on important issues.
As for the artist’s decline in popularity once he disclosed his political views, this is an issue that some consider a passing and natural stage in the life of every artist. There are those who believe that the artistic balance is the one that will remain firmly in the minds of the spectator after the departure of the artist.
While another group rejects the idea of an Arab artist expressing his political positions and tendencies.
Some of them believe that Arab countries are “politicized and divided partisan and religious,” unlike other societies that enjoy a margin of freedom and creativity, which relieves pressure on the artist.
While some say that Elisa is right in expressing her political views, she fell into another downfall.
On the other hand, others cited previous statements that put the artist in the crosshairs of criticism. Among them is the success of the Moroccan artist, Saad Lamjarred.
Elissa’s statements are not the first of their kind, as she made a similar call to Palestinian refugees and displaced Syrians in 2019.
At the time, the artist justified her words by Lebanon’s inability to absorb such large numbers of refugees.
The Lebanese government complains that the situation of the Syrian refugees is no longer bearable and that the state has become unable to bear the cost of policing the camps for the displaced.
The United Nations says that it has provided $9 billion in aid to Lebanon since 2015, but Lebanon’s successive crises have plunged large segments of the Lebanese into extreme poverty, with which the rate of dissatisfaction with the continued presence of Syrian refugees has increased.