“Why don’t you speak Italian to your daughter instead of English?”, the answer that does not allow replies from Elisabetta Canalis.
Although she has no longer lived in Italy for some time, she has never left the hearts of Italians. Indeed, for many she remained the tissue for antonomasia. Let’s talk about the gorgeous Elisabetta Canalis which certainly owes its success to Antonio Ricci and its historian Tg satirical. A lot of time has passed since then but for her it seems to have stopped.
It’s not for nothing that she really has nothing to envy of a twenty-year-old. She is beautiful and He has incredible physicality. The merit? Obviously Mother Nature has been very, very generous with her. However, she has never sat idle and has always worked hard the gym and sporting activity.
For years it has been kick boking champion. Apparently his little daughter too Skyler, fruit of her past love with her now ex-husband Brian Pìerri, she’s a real sportswoman. However, she loves above all the little girl, who her mother often shows on social media ice hockey. The fact is that there is something that has left most people perplexed about her. For what reason her famous mother speaks to her in English?
“Why don’t you speak in Italian instead of English to your daughter?”, the inquisitive question of a user
Clearly the little girl understands this and speaks very well considering that was born in America and inevitably he has to speak it at school too. Elizabethfor its part, she learned it as a girl also for work reasons. However on Instagram, where she is very active, some users have noticed that you almost always speak to your child in this language and not in Italian.
Let’s say that some were upset and began to wonder if Whether Elizabeth taught her this language or not. Among other things when he comes to Italy and stops in his beloved Sardinia Skyler he is with her. Ergo, if you didn’t know Italian it would be difficult for you to live through that period in our country. She has now arrived Canalis’ response.
Elisabetta Canalis travel trends
The textbook answer by Elisabetta Canalis
“Why don’t you speak to your daughter in Italian instead of English?“, asks a user. At that point the showgirl and sportswoman explained that she made this choice for the simple fact that if she had spoken in her native language the daughter’s friend wouldn’t have understood a thing. So she did it out of courtesy and politeness.
Furthermore she often speaks to Skyler in Italian. Even more so if, as many whisper, if Ely decides to move to Italy, even if only for a long period, in order for his child to be able to go to school or at least have a social life, he should be able not only to understand it but also to speak the language quite well.
2023-12-26 09:00:44
#dont #speak #Italian #daughter #English #Elisabetta #Canaliss #response #silences