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Elisabeth Borne appears in Vire (Calvados) with strong support, Edouard Philippe

They strolled through the streets of Viroise like almost two old friends. Edouard Philippe on one side, the mayor of Le Havre and ex-Prime Minister and the current Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, candidate in the 6th constituency of Calvados. They went to meet merchants in the city center, one week before the first round of the legislative elections (June 12, editor’s note).

Listening to complaints

From establishment to establishment, the two politicians listened to the grievances of the inhabitants and merchants of Vire. “Good Ms. Borne, I think you will bring a lot to this 6th constituency“, reacts Roger, 74, owner of a café in Vire when Elisabeth Borne comes to sit at the bar of his café. “We had a hard time recruiting“, she slips him. “There are plenty of things to do“, adds Roger. “There are a lot of things to do, I think it is important to have elected officials who carry out projects at the national level“, replied the Prime Minister.

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For their part, Pierre and Chloé opened a pastry shop a year ago. They are confronted with the increase in the price of raw materials. “Butter has gone from 5 euros per kilo to 12 euros, milk, chocolate, flour, everything is increasing and the charges are not falling”, explain the two managers. “There are things we understand why they are increasing, others much less”, reacts visibly surprised the Prime Minister.

Other subjects such as purchasing power were mentioned. “_The first piece of legislation from the Assembly will be on purchasing power”, says Elisabeth Borne. A campaign dubbed by Edouard Philippe. “I came as a friend and a politician, it’s not incompatible. I saw Elisabeth, she shows who she is and the subjects she wants to engage in, that’s how it should be done“, he concludes.

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