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Elisa Rutten from Polopos: ‘If I drink wine, I dilute it with bubble water’ | Stories behind the news

How is your lifestyle?

“Before corona I weighed 130 kilos. Since the moment I heard that many people with corona and overweight ended up in IC, I decided to change. Before that I had already tried all the diets that existed, but I always gained weight. I had to look at food differently. When I started to delve into the deeper layer of why I ate so much, I found out that I was a pleaser. I was too busy making others happy instead of choosing and caring for myself. I always ate my sadness away and I was done with that. I decided to take control of my thoughts once and for all.”

Elisa Rutten, known from the program The Spanish Village: Polopos, has now lost more than 50 kilos.

Elisa Rutten, known from the program The Spanish Village: Polopos, has now lost more than 50 kilos.

What does your feeding schedule look like?

“At the moment I eat small portions six times a day and I eat very varied in a week. For example, in a week I eat a piece of meat, chicken, vegetarian chicken, once a pasta, a rice dish, a piece of fish and once salad with soup. All this once a week. In this way I try to eat as varied as possible. I have now lost more than 50 kilos with this lifestyle.

In addition, I found out that it does a lot for me to stop drinking milk. Since I stopped doing that, I no longer have stiff hands when I wake up in the morning and my joints no longer hurt. That is why my tip is always to others: if you suffer from something, investigate whether it could possibly be related to your diet. For example, stop with a product such as milk for two weeks and see what it does to you. For me it makes a world of difference!”

Do you drink alcohol?

“I never drink liquor anyway. What I do enjoy every now and then is a dry, white wine. I then mix this with bubble water. I take 1/4th of a glass of white wine, and I top it up with sparkling water. I drink this two or three times a week, but sometimes I don’t drink it for weeks if I don’t feel like it. Wine diluted with sparkling water tastes even better to me than a normal glass of wine, it just depends on what you get used to!”

Do you practice sports?

“I now try to run three times a week, but I have to say that I have hardly exercised in the period that I lost 50 kilos. I think you should exercise because you enjoy it, not because you necessarily want to lose weight.”

What is your golden tip for a healthy lifestyle?

“Put yourself first and love yourself. I see the human body as a beautiful, special machine that we have been given. Compare yourself to how you handle a car. Are you economical with that? You take good care of them, don’t you? Then why not your body?”

Are you at your target weight?

“I have no idea, because I don’t weigh myself anymore. I find that weighing is very bad for my mental health. I don’t want to be focused on numbers, but how I feel and if I feel happy when I look in the mirror. And I will be!”


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