Home » today » Health » Elisa, OSS: “I’m a Social Health Operator, but I’m an Engineer; I was earning 800 euros a month, now 1200”. – AssoCareNews.it

Elisa, OSS: “I’m a Social Health Operator, but I’m an Engineer; I was earning 800 euros a month, now 1200”. – AssoCareNews.it

The letter from a social health worker makes us reflect on the choice of many to dedicate themselves to personal care. Elisa: “I’m OSS, but I have a degree in Engineering; I did occasional work and earn 800 euros a month, now I take 1200 and I’m happy “.

Dearest Director of AssoCareNews.it,

I hesitated a bit before writing them. First of all, I congratulate you on your online magazine, always complete and exhaustive. You are the point of reference for all health and socio-health professions. I’ve been following his newspaper since he was born.

I am writing this to tell you about my sad experience as an Engineer and my choice, forced by life, to dedicate myself to assisting Patients. A choice that I liked right from the start and that I would definitely go back to making.

When I graduated in Electronic Engineering I had big dreams and big ideas. Then they all vanished when I entered the world of work. There is no more work for this category and I had to settle for 800 euros a month in an associated studio or a little more in the factory.

Three years ago my mom was sick, she died of cancer. I was close to her until the last breath. Since then I have understood what it means to suffer from illness and die without hope, having to leave loved ones, their loved ones, their lives for an illness that no one can cure.

I decided to take the field too in the world of health. I saw a poster advertising a qualification course as a Social Health Worker and I signed up for it.

Today I do OSS, I’m happy. Of course I don’t earn much, I have to settle for 1200 euros a month. But this money allows me to live a dignified life and above all to be happy with what I do.

Thanks for the time dedicators.

Good job.

Elisa Bichi, Social Health Operator and former Engineer

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