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Elisa Isoardi and Raimondo Todaro, the agreement is born in Dancing with the stars

Between Elisa Isoardi e Raimondo Todaro seems to have been born one good understanding. The two are among the protagonists of the new edition of “dancing with the Stars”, The well-known talent dancer of RaiUno successfully conducted by Milly Carlucci.

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The program has not yet aired, but the complicity between the two really seems not to be lacking. “Diva e donna” surprised them in Rome, as they walk hand in hand and take romantic selfies. The gossip about the birth of a love story goes crazy with Elisa who would find love again later Matteo Salvini and Alessandro di Paola and Raimondo the sentimental serenity after the end of his marriage with the dancer Francesca Touch.

Elisa, who had already danced with Todaro when she was invited to the program as “Dancer for a night”, has already assured that she will do all she can to make a good impression in Milly’s talent: “I have energy to spare – he confessed in an interview – What I don’t know is whether they will be able to turn me into a dancer. I am denied“.

Last update: Wednesday 2 September 2020, 14:07


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