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Eliminating Hepatitis B Virus through Quantum Medicine 816 Therapy and Mercury Detoxification

Breaking through the bottleneck of hepatitis B treatment: 816 natural therapy can eliminate the virus

Hepatitis B treatment breaks through the bottleneck! In September, international naturopathic expert Pan Nianzhong announced a new treatment for eradicating viruses at a “Quantum Medicine” lecture. He used BDORT (O-ring test method) supplemented by hepatitis specimen detection, and applied water acupuncture “Quantum Medicine 816 Therapy” to effectively eliminate viruses from the body. “Mercury”, hepatitis B virus, asbestos, integrin β-1 (CD29), excessive electromagnetic waves, cancer stem cells (CD24, CD44, CD133), etc., help patients with hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and AIDS recover from health.

Symptoms linked to mercury in body may be highly dangerous

Liver disease is a national disease in Taiwan. If left untreated, hepatitis B may lead to cirrhosis or liver cancer. However, many people do not know they have hepatitis B. After several years of COVID-19 raging, Pan Nianzong discovered that some patients harbored the hepatitis B virus while treating confirmed cases. When the “mercury” was eliminated from the body, the hepatitis B virus and other viruses and toxins were also eliminated.

Mercury is a naturally occurring element in the earth’s crust. It is also a neurotoxicant that can harm the human body’s central system, kidneys, and brain, and even cause birth defects. Pan Nianzhong explained that if there is mercury in the body, it will cause the following harm:

Damage to mitochondria, leaving cells without energy and causing many diseases. Mercury can damage chromosomes and make cells cancerous. Destroys proteins and destroys cellular enzymes. In 1997, it was confirmed that mercury causes cells to produce pathological free radicals. This kind of pathological free radicals produced due to excessive oxidative stress can destroy cells and tissues, cause inflammation and even necrosis. In addition, mercury activates drug resistance genes, causing drugs to become ineffective. Mercury can also destroy immune system B cells, making it difficult to produce antibodies after vaccination.

How to test for the presence of mercury? Pan Nianzong said that it can be checked through chemical measurement, physical measurement, and quantum measurement.

Chemical determination:

The lipstick that women often wear contains high levels of mercury and can be sent to a health unit for chemical testing to identify it.

Physical measurements:

For physical measurement, the most cutting-edge instrument at present is the RA915 laser separation instrument developed by the University of St. Petersburg in the Soviet Union. It can detect 1 part per billion (ten to the negative ninth power) of ppb, and even trace amounts can be detected.

Quantum determination:

Using homeopathic medicine, the mercury reagent is diluted to the lowest concentration of 10 to the power of minus 400, and the presence of mercury is confirmed through the entanglement resonance phenomenon. This is currently the most stringent measurement method.

Combined with meridian acupoint quantum medicine 816 therapy, water acupuncture is used to eliminate mercury

Pan Nianzhong mentioned that many people are vaccinated with room-temperature vaccines containing preservatives and mercury. Mercury is very harmful to the human body and is almost a barrier to human diseases. For example, if there is mercury in the body of a breast cancer patient, “the treatment will definitely fail.” Therefore, he implements a procedure of “removing mercury first and then treating it” for the patient. Mercury is like a locomotive. When mercury is excreted from the body, it can bring out many toxins in the car behind, and they are expelled from the body together, such as viruses, EMF, asbestos, cancer stem cells (CD24, CD44, CD133) and other toxins.

According to the International Academy of Naturopathic Medicine, naturopathy is a type of medicine that emphasizes the body’s self-healing power and advocates the use of side-effect-free, non-invasive, and non-invasive methods to improve patients’ health. The main categories are: energy medicine, environmental medicine, sports medicine, emotional therapy, herbal and nutritional therapy, dietary therapy, physical therapy, hydrotherapy, etc.

Pan Nianzong said that “Quantum Medicine 816 Therapy” is a very precise and advanced quantum medicine. Eliminating hepatitis B requires a Full Body Detox Pathway and has BDORT (O-ring test method), 20 meridian systems, and 23 Knowledge and clinical experience of 5 principles including acupoints, homeopathy, quantum light instruments, and solar storms. This therapy uses 9393 spray, which can improve longevity gene proteins, normal stem cells, mitochondrial energy system and killer T lymphocytes, kill viruses hiding in cells, and effectively eliminate hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. , AIDS, dengue fever and other viruses.

Spray the liquid all over the face (requires about 3 bottles of 60cc in total, 400 sprays). Since there are many acupuncture points on the face, ears, hands, and feet, use the palms of both hands to gently apply the spray onto the entire face, ears, and soles of the feet. Urinate after using the spray, and the toxins in your body will be excreted with your urine.

Dayang storms have a huge impact on telecommunications networks and human health: 3 tips to prevent blockage

In addition, Pan Nianzong also found that in 77 cases diagnosed and treated in July and August this year, toxins and viruses originally appeared in different meridians, but when the solar storm came, explosive radiation was released, causing the patients’ toxins and viruses to be concentrated in the foot-yangming stomach meridian. St12 is “missing the basin point”, so solar storms should not be taken carelessly.

According to research by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 36 plagues have occurred on Earth in the past 200 years, 27 of which were related to solar storms. Normally, the human body has an EMF of about 20,000 Gauss, but according to medical research, the electromagnetic waves (EMF) of a patient before death can reach as high as 480,000 Gauss. Especially when a solar storm approaches, the electromagnetic waves of the human body can reach as high as 4,320,000 Gauss. When the solar storm comes, many people with symptoms feel unwell. In addition to using the 816 new therapy of homeopathic specimens to diagnose and treat patients, Pan Nianzhong also provides several methods to reduce the harm:

Try not to go out, and if you have to go out, it is best to carry a special umbrella that can block EMF (the material of the sun visor that blocks the front window of a car). On days when there are solar storms, take a shower immediately after returning home to reduce EMF. How do you know if there is a solar storm? Use the BDORT method to hold a 480,000 Gauss magnet rod and point it at the local sky. If you pull it apart easily with both hands, it means there is a solar storm.

2023-09-21 03:58:43

#Hepatitis #treatment #breaks #bottleneck #therapy #eliminates #viruses #Life #CTWANT

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