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Eliminated, Charlotte confesses to be angry “for life”, Teheiura “accepts the rules”

Charlotte and Teheiura have marked “Koh-Lanta” this season, but not necessarily for the best reasons – © Philippe LEROUX / ALP / TF1

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  • Charlotte and Teheiura saw their torch extinguished this Friday in Koh Lanta following the rule of linked destinies. However, they had an immunity collar each in their possession.
  • The two candidates return for 20 minutes on this incredible advice, their individual and collective adventure, and the return to real life.

It’s unheard of in the history of Koh Lanta. This Friday, two candidates were eliminated because of the mechanics of the related destinies, while they each held an immunity collar. After breathless advice and a twist that no one had seen coming, the sentence fell. So these are Teheiura,
the greatest adventurer in the game by her number of individual victories, and Charlotte, who bet on human adventure more than on strategies, who had to pack up. The two unsuccessful candidates return for 20 minutes on their journey, on the end of this episode which will remain in the annals, as well as on
threats faced by several candidates this season.

Leaving with two immunity collars is new in Koh Lanta. You keep your face at the time of counseling, but how did you feel at the time?

Teheiura : I was bubbling. I was disappointed, I wanted Charlotte a lot on the spot, alive, because we said we were going to play the necklace 100%. She was a bit confused by the Yellow people when she was fishing for news. She was reassured.

Charlotte : There are so many emotions going through my body at that time. First, the guilt, but that was before I learned that Teheiura had a collar, so it lasted five minutes. Then the shame, because I have the keys to go further and I can only blame myself. And then I was disgusted to have trusted people who betrayed me.

Did you realize that you were experiencing one of the moments that would mark the history of the game?

Teheiura : I did not think about the fact that we would explode the ratings of TF1, far from it (laughs). Until Denis started counting the votes, I was focused on Charlotte’s necklace. When he asked if someone had a necklace, I was hoping that she would turn things around at the last second … well no. I was even ready to shake it up, I wanted to move to make it react. I could not move, I cannot explain myself today.

Charlotte : I am mostly trying to tell myself that I am living the greatest moment of shame in my life. You should know that before leaving, I watched “The War of the Chiefs” as a family, and we had seen Victor leave with his necklace. We were all laughing, and it was actually my turn. I told myself that my family was going to finish me (laughs).

Teheiura, how can you forget to have an immunity collar?

Teheiura : I was frozen, I have no other explanation. In life, there are things that cannot be explained, things that have to happen. When I found my individual necklace, even the cameraman was surprised. He tried to follow me to make pictures, but he didn’t have time so fast I was surprised. At this moment, I tell myself that I have a necklace to go further, personal. Maybe that’s what made me forget, I was focused on the pair’s collar.

Several months after the end of filming, do you still want it?

Charlotte : I would be mad for life. We are talking about Koh Lanta, not a Trivial Pursuit! I did Koh Lanta to go on the poles, you only see it once. But it’s a game, I had to do more strategies, I got emotional. Moussa shocked me when he voted against Teheiura. I had been doing calculations all day, but at no point did I take Moussa’s vote into account.

Teheiura : Water has flowed under the bridge, you have to know how to get out of the game. By agreeing to return to the adventure, I accept the rules and eliminations are part of it. It often feels like you have all the cards in your hand, but that’s not necessarily the case.

Finally, do you think it was a good thing to mix heroes and new candidates this season?

Charlotte : In all sincerity, this is not the context that I would have liked when I imagined living a Koh Lanta. Besides, I didn’t necessarily like living with the Reds between the medical departures, the arrival of the heroes, there was movement. We had a welded core of five and we were criticized for not including the heroes. Maybe everything would have been different if they had arrived from the start … Even for them, it was very complicated because they were in the minority. And then it was my Koh Lanta, I would have liked to discover more things on my own and to be shown less. I really wanted to struggle.

Teheiura : It’s very good to put new ones against old ones. But I would have preferred a versus, a fight of the new against the old. We are with them but against them too, and it is not the same thing. And even less with the fact of arriving three days after the start of the adventure because all the alliances and strategies are made from the first day. It was also a challenge to stay among these newcomers. But it’s a good twist!

What was the hardest part after 24 days of adventure?

Charlotte : These are the nights in the rain. The food is far behind. We go to bed when the sun goes down and we get up when the sun comes up, so the nights are really long. In the rain, we are soaked, it is cold and it’s hell. I only dreamed of one thing: my comforter, my bed and Netflix.

Teheiura : For me, what has always been the hardest in Koh Lantais the strategy side. We create a lot of affinity between us but there must be only one. It’s hard for someone like me who easily gives his confidence. This is the side that I fear the most. But it was still an exceptional adventure and I only keep positive.

What was your goal this season, and have you achieved it?

Teheiura : My first adventure was a discovery, I was going for myself and my family. On the other two, I had this lump in my stomach to come back for the others, for the public, and also for my family. This season, I told myself that I was doing it for myself, as in 2011. I said to myself “Go for it, while keeping my ears on strategy, my eyes on enemies, and on my friends too” (laughs). I wanted to make the most of it, and it did, I really enjoyed myself. When you come face to face with Denis, it’s always as impressive. Even today, it’s the same thing. Respect is installed automatically.

Charlotte : Beyond winning, my goal was to make my family proud. They weren’t expecting me in this kind of environment given my daily comfort, the person I am in life. I’m the opposite of all that and they weren’t putting a coin on me. I wanted to shock them, prove to them that I was capable and it is successful because they are proud of me every Friday.

Charlotte, do you feel betrayed by Inès, Alexandra and Naoil when you are eliminated?

Charlotte : Completely. Even more than a few days before, I save Inès because she was in the crosshairs of the alliance of Claude and Teheiura. I think she owes me one. It’s a big betrayal but they played the game of Koh Lanta where my affect has taken over too much. I should have been more suspicious, I was naive.

Is it a regret?

Charlotte : I do not regret not having been in this alliance because I would have made choices which did not correspond to me. You learn from your mistakes, and that’s what I did by following Ahmad to eliminate Teheiura. I regret it and tell myself that I will not do it again. That’s why I’m seen walking a bit on my own, but I still have this alliance of ex-Yellows with whom I get along very well and who tell me that I am not in the crosshairs. It was I who had the keys to move forward at that time, I should have trusted less.

Some of your playmates have been harassed on social media. Is this something you talk about among yourselves?

Teheiura : Such comments are unacceptable. We try to support each other as best we can. It is not always easy because the affinities are not the same for everyone, but on this point, it is necessary.

Charlotte : We knew the popularity rating of Teheiura because it is the emblem of Koh Lanta. But as far as Sam was concerned, we had no perspective. People got really attached to him and when he left the adventure, we were threatened. It is unspeakable, it is not justified and we do not understand it. We support each other, we call each other, we talk to each other at night when we can’t sleep. We also have production support, which is very available, and which has filed a complaint.

Teheiura, after four different seasons, is it time to return your apron?

Teheiura : Once we’ve done Koh Lanta, whatever the outcome of his adventure, it is impossible to refuse such an invitation, even if we have made four. I wouldn’t say no to a fifth Koh Lanta.



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