Jose Alejandro Adamuz
April 09, 2021
Apparently there is no season of the year less akin to reading than spring. Even August, with its uncomfortable reading on beach loungers, has a greater reading reputation. It is probably because of that spring alters the blood and it is already known that excesses of sensuality are not good for concentration. It is true that the issue of allergies also has something to do with it, but doesn’t winter have its colds and instead everyone dreams of reading in front of a good fireplace?
Saving these ridiculous difficulties, spring is revealed as a season prone to reading: the temperatures rise but they do not bother, there are more hours of daylight, gardens and parks are enjoyed more and everyone knows that they are places to go with a good book. You go out more, you travel more (except perimeter confinements) and you live more and, therefore, you want to read more. The publishers know it and keep a good handful of news for this time of year that appear en masse in bookstores like poppies, begonias or hyacinths in the meadows. Yes, in spring not only the blood is altered.
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