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Eleonora Daniele, the grave mourning during the Christmas holidays: “That I love you before …”

The Paduan presenter suffered a serious loss during these Christmas holidays, just between Christmas and Boxing Day, a very important person for Eleonora passed away.

In the night between December 25th and December 26th, the host of Storie Italiane (Rai Uno), Eleonora Daniele, lost her beloved aunt Elsa.

The journalist herself broke the sad news by publishing a post on Instagram in the late morning of December 26th. Daniele spoke of a special bond he had with his aunt who died at the age of 97. The presenter explained that she had heard Elsa shortly before her death on the phone with Celestina, the daughter of the deceased. On this occasion, Eleonora realized that the woman would not have made it:

“My auntie – writes the journalist -. You left tonight. Last night I managed to say hello to you for the last time. I called your daughter Celestina who put me on speakerphone but I could not speak because I understood that I would soon lose you and that I love you that I said I hope you have brought it with you, tonight, in your eternity “.

Daniele also told of her memories with her beloved aunt:

“I still remember when Grandma Carlotta and I, your beloved sister, used to come to visit you. I used to play for hours in your garden, because between the garden and the flowers you let a beautiful turtle spin. I don’t know if it was real or the fruit of my imagination as a child, maybe it was one of your huge pumpkins that I had transformed into an animal, like in a fairytale! You and Uncle Alvise were two true principles: a happy couple, like those of the past, who promise each other eternal love “.

A love, that of Elsa and Alvise not easy to live when it blossomed. “Mother – continued Eleonora – he told me that you were distant cousins, but that despite the rules, you were married driven by great feeling. You reached 97 years of age overcoming many pains, always with that smile that distinguished you “.

The presenter is very happy to have at least managed to introduce her to her daughter born in May 2020, to her beloved aunt before she passed away.

The meeting of the 97-year-old with the little one took place a few months ago: “

Your eyes reminded me of grandmother’s, and that’s why I wanted to introduce you to my little Carlotta, I knew you would love her. I came to you this summer and I experienced all the happiness of seeing her in your arms “.

“Have a good trip Aunt Elsa, in the arms of angels, in a paradise that you deserve, among the Saints and good-natured people like you“, Eleonora concluded, completing the message with a photograph of Elsa and little Carlotta.

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