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Elena Rayos: An Actress Making Her Mark in Madrid

Elena Rayos is one of those millions of people who, throughout history, have come to Madrid to fulfill their dreams. And, in these 25 years since then, boy has she done it. “Madrid gives you the opportunity to develop a career like this, which is not easy,” she says. She studied Dramatic Art at RESAD, and during this time she has won the award for Best New Actress from the Actors Union for her work “Farsas y Églogas” and the Delirios de Mujer Award. She was in “Reykjavík” (CDN) and in “Himmelweg” under the direction of Juan Mayorga and is currently on tour with “Entre Bobos anda el Juego” by the National Classical Theater Company CNTC, directed by Eduardo Vasco.

On television she has recently participated in the series “Disappeared” (Amazon Prime) and we have seen her in “Acacias 38”, “Pulsaciones” and “Cuéntame como paso” among others; In cinema we can see her in Arantxa Echevarría’s new film, the comedy “Politically Incorrect.” Additionally, she continues to work with Noviembre Teatro Company. “Since I finished studying I have been linked to theater,” says Rayos. And she tells a secret: “For example, now, that we have just finished ‘Open the Eye’ at the Fernán Gómez, I realize that Madrid continues to fascinate me almost as it did on the first day. Every day I took the bus to get home, even if there were faster ways. Going through Cibeles, still feeling the rush of the performance, while listening to music, seeing those beautiful images of Madrid with lights, people walking… That moment, for me, is special.” Perhaps a moment of peace between the hustle and bustle of what has been “a very fruitful year”, since it has been, together with Noviembre Compañía de Teatro, “with three productions at the same time”: a tour of Peribáñez that has ended in Colombia, “Open the eye” and “The summer madness”, by Carlo Goldoni, which will premiere in Santander but will be from December 21 to January 28 at the Sala Max Aub de las Naves del Español in Matadero.

Although, for the most part, his time is dedicated to theater, he is not averse to anything. “I move in the theater because it is where you bond the most little by little: when you are finishing a project you always have another one in sight; But the truth is that whenever I can I combine it with audiovisual productions.” In fact, he likes that double face. “As an actress, you have to know how to move in those two worlds. I am fascinated by being able to work in both registers and being able to embody such different characters at the same time. In the end it is interpretation and that is what we dedicate ourselves to.” She does, in short, “whatever is presented to me to make a living from this”, although at times she has said no to a role. “Very rarely, but when it has happened it is because what they are offering you you know that you are not going to develop it well,” she explains. “It’s not because of anything economical, but because you don’t see yourself doing certain things, or because you don’t understand the company or project code.”

In the same way that her acting career has taken her down the path of theater, and, many times, classical theater, she recognizes that there are people for whom “it is part of their life to be a spectator of classical theater.” And, when she lives within that circuit of classical theater, “you also realize that the values, what worries us, what makes us live, are the same as four centuries ago.” For example, in Peribáñez, “it is love and honor that revolves around that story.” The codes, she points out, may have varied, “but in matters of love and in matters of jealousy, we continue to feel the same.” “These are things for which time does not pass,” she asserts. Likewise, with her character in “The Summer Follies,” you can see “a more modern woman, but the work deals with issues that are still on the agenda, such as equality.” of the woman. We think it’s something new, but we’ve been doing it for centuries.” “These are things that are still very relevant today, and art, especially the great texts like those of Lope, Calderón, Tirso… continue to be our pillars.”

Enjoy every role

After two decades dedicating herself to acting, for Elena Rayos there is no challenge that she can resist. “I like everything that I see myself capable of doing,” since she recognizes herself as “in love with my work” and a person who “in her baggage is accepting what comes to her as a challenge as well.” “It is clear that sometimes things come to you that you may think you don’t really want, but, even so, you know that you have to do it and defend it the best you know how,” she acknowledges. “Sometimes, what a priori is something that you don’t feel identified with, represents a challenge that helps you grow. It is important to do things that make you a little uncomfortable and know how to turn them around to enjoy them.”

2023-11-14 04:41:18
#Elena #Rayos #love #theater #stories #die

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