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Elena of Ravenna married Agja without telling her parents who she was

The Italian wrote him letters in prison, then they met in Istanbul

Elena Rossi from the city of Ravenna was born on July 13, 1967. When Mehmet Ali Agca shot Pope John Paul II, she was not even 14 years old. She then certainly cannot imagine that she will one day marry a Turk who seriously injured the head of the Roman Catholic Church.

Elena, who converted to Islam and now calls herself Hilal Agja, told Corriere della Sera in an interview that the event in St. Peter’s Square on May 13, 1981 hit her very hard. So that almost immediately after her –

the Catholic start writing in the prison of The 23-year-old killer

The correspondence continued for several years, then stopped. Meanwhile, Elena graduated with honors in two higher studies: political science at the University of Bologna and philosophy at “Roma Tre”.

The girl’s interest in Agja was rekindled when in December 2014 he came to the Vatican to worship the tomb of Pope John Paul II. At the time, the Turk was already living in his home country after being pardoned by the Italian president and serving his sentence in Turkey. Elena managed to get hold of Agja’s email and wrote to him again, reminding him of herself and their previous correspondence. The two also started talking on the phone. He is very nice, polite and thoughtful, sometimes he looks at me more like an adopted daughter than a husband, says the Italian. He describes Agja as a physically and mentally very healthy person who

live and eat to greet, plays sports and is disciplined

He was a profound believer, but not a fundamentalist. The two met for the first time in Istanbul in January 2015 and, after a few months of living together, they got married in October of the same year. Elena told her parents that she married a Turk, but she didn’t explain who she was. At that moment they weren’t well so I preferred not to tell them anything but today I regret not having told them the truth, admits the Italian. According to her, she herself decided to accept Islam. The two have no children, either in common or from previous relationships. Financially they were doing well despite the increase in prices in Turkey, which are still much lower than in Italy. Ali and Elena had a three-story house on the Marmara Sea: the last electricity bill was 23 euros. Politically, Agca remains a “grey wolf” and an idealist with right-wing convictions, respecting and admiring President Erdogan, whom he considers the only person capable of guaranteeing Turkey’s stability.

According to Elena, in her recent letter to Pietro, brother of Emanuela Orlandi, who disappeared without a trace in Rome in 1983, Agja allegedly told the truth about the attempt on the Pope and the story with the girl. Sure it does it was manipulated by the people of SISDE (Italian intelligence – author’s note), the Vatican services, the CIA, according to what he told me.

She is adamant that no one is behind the attack on the Pope, according to Elena, her husband was used for various purposes after that. The origin of the money he had at the time of the attack is demonstrable. The entities in question then went wild with the claim that he

to blame Bulgarian ones secret service e KGB, which however, they didn’t nothing in common

According to Elena, the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi and Mirella Gregory in 1983 fits into this context. The two girls were “taken” by people from the Vatican and placed in monasteries. Later, Agja was assured by a priest that Orlandi was alive at least 3 years ago.

Did they lie to him? It is possible. In any case, according to him, if she is no longer among the living, it happened for natural reasons, because the Church never kills her flock.

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