Home » today » Business » Electricity: Prices for August – Discounts and subsidies – 2024-08-03 08:47:46

Electricity: Prices for August – Discounts and subsidies – 2024-08-03 08:47:46

Double back… put the majority of energy providers as a result of which the final charges for electricity and specifically for the green or special tariff are in August lower by up to 14% compared to July.

Providers mobilized large discounts which, in combination with the government subsidy, will send the green electricity tariff to lower levels compared to the previous month


It is recalled that after the large increases in electricity, specifically in the wholesale market, the government proceeded to impose an extraordinary levy on natural gas in order to raise revenue and allocate it to subsidize the final electricity prices in August.

The extraordinary levy was calculated at 10 euros/MWh and will run for the natural gas consumption of power producers in the month of August.

The final prices of the providers

Since yesterday, the energy providers have posted on their websites the final charges in the floating tariffs. These concern the month of August.

Based on the data of the Price Observatory of the Regulatory Authority for Waste Energy and Water (RAAEF), which was processed by the OT, it appears that the majority of energy providers with the discounts they made but also with the subsidies (0.016 euros/kWh) they gave the state created cheaper electricity bills for August compared to July.

The reductions range from 9% to 14%, while there is also a portion of providers that kept the final prices unchanged (including subsidies) and a few providers that set (including subsidies and rebates) higher electricity prices compared to July .

The “green” tariffs of the providers

In particular, the green tariffs of the providers with the final charges of August, per provider were configured for August as follows:

  • PPC. C1/C1N for the first 500 kilowatt hours of consumption is charged at 0.16391 euros per kilowatt hour. The night charge is at 0.14934 euros per kilowatt hour. The fixed price is 5 euros.
  • HERON. Basic Home has a competitive rate of €0.14279 per kilowatt hour with a consistency discount. The fixed price is 5 euros.
  • Protergia. The residential Value Special is competitively charged at €0.1439 per kilowatt hour with a consistency discount. The fixed price is 4 euros.
  • Elpedison. The special household tariff for the first 100 kilowatt hours has a competitive charge of 0.1425 euros per kilowatt hour. The fixed price is 4 euros. From 101 kilowatt hours and above, the competitive charge without subsidy is 0.1995 euros per kilowatt hour. Up to 500 kilowatt hours the charge with the subsidy is 0.1835
  • NRG. The special tariff has a competitive charge of 0.17131 euros per kilowatt hour with ebill and standing order and consistency discount. The fixed price is 3.5 euros.
  • Volton. The special tariff has a competitive charge of 0.16292 euros per kilowatt hour with a consistency discount and the first month’s electricity as a gift. The fixed price is 4.90 euros.
  • Natural Gas of Greece. The special single tariff has a competitive charge of 0.1539 euros per kilowatt hour with a consistency discount. The fixed price is 5 euros.
  • ZENITH. Power Home Smart has a competitive charge of 0.26318 euros per kilowatt hour. The fixed price is 5 euros.
  • Elin. The Power On! Home Green has a competitive charge of 0.14205 euros per kilowatt hour. The fixed price is 5 euros.
  • Volterra. The special tariff has a competitive charge of 0.15613 euros per kilowatt hour. The fixed price is 4.50 euros.
  • Solar Energy. The special tariff has a competitive charge of 0.17839 euros per kilowatt hour. The fixed price is 5 euros.

Source: ot.gr

#Electricity #Prices #August #Discounts #subsidies

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