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Electricity Price, Economy and Business | Check electricity prices – today no one pays more than Norwegians

On Thursday, no one has to pay more than Norwegians.

(GD/ Nettavisen): Thursday, the penultimate day of the year, will be an anniversary. This is because electricity in southern Norway is the most expensive of all regions included in Nordpool’s overview of European electricity markets.

In recent weeks, it has been far more expensive single days, but compared to other countries, Norway is today at the very top.

Electricity prices are, among other things, twice as high in southern Norway as in Germany and Sweden.

Electricity prices Thursday 30.12

00:00 – 01:00 164,3

01:00 – 02:00 153,7

02:00 – 03:00 147,9

03:00 – 04:00 153,7

04:00 – 05:00 153,7

05:00 – 06:00 149,5

06:00 – 07:00 161,6

07:00 – 08:00 166,8

08:00 – 09:00 176,7

09:00 – 10:00 183,9

10:00 – 11:00 186,6

11:00 – 12:00 187,1

12:00 – 13:00 185,1

13:00 – 14:00 184,9

14:00 – 15:00 184,7

15:00 – 16:00 184,9

16:00 – 17:00 184,5

17:00 – 18:00 188,2

18:00 – 19:00 187,5

19:00 – 20:00 184,4

20:00 – 21:00 182,3

21:00 – 22:00 178,7

22:00 – 23:00 172,1

23:00 – 00:00 170,8

The prices are taken from the price overview to Gudbrandsdal Energi

Has gone down

Prices have fallen from the big peaks just before Christmas. Then the average price was over a krone higher per hour throughout the day.

– Consumption in Europe is declining due to higher temperatures compared to normal levels. At the same time, they are experiencing a high level of wind power production. This together affects the average price level in Europe, said senior power analyst Lene Hagen in Insight by Volue, to GD on Tuesday.

– At the same time, here in the Nordic region we have a cold weather situation with relatively high consumption and low temperatures, a weather picture that we also had in Europe before the Christmas weekend. The change in this weather picture and hence lower prices will have a positive impact on the price picture in the Nordic region.

On Thursday, however, we are in solitary majesty at the top of the stream.

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Now your electricity bill for December is ready: –⁠ This is serious


One who responds to this a finance nestor Peter Warren. He writes on Twitter:

“Tomorrow will be an anniversary for Norwegian power policy. This is because the price of electricity in southern Norway is the highest in Europe. 98% more expensive than in southern Sweden, 90% higher than in Germany, 32% more expensive than in France and we also managed to beat the UK by 0.9%. Norway: Most expensive when it comes! »

Lawyer and former FpU leader Ove Vanebo, who in recent weeks has marked himself as a critic of Norwegian electricity policy, is also reacting.

On Facebook he writes, among other things: «Congratulations on the first place in Europe, Southern Norway! Tomorrow we have Europe’s highest electricity prices. Impressive to end up here after we have been among the cheapest states in this area for years ».


Electricity prices have admittedly fallen somewhat from last week, when electricity was at its most expensive at over six kroner kWh before all taxes, but is still very expensive compared to previous years.

In recent days, however, Norway has impressed electricity from Germany, due to the low levels of water reservoirs in southern Norway.

– In southern Norway we have a shortage of water reservoirs, in addition to the fact that a little snow accumulated. So hydropower producers will save that water for later this winter, said power analyst John Brottemsmo in Kintect Energy to E24 Wednesday.

From the autumn of 2020 to the autumn of 2021 (third quarter), the price of power increased by 430 per cent, shows Statistics Norway’s price statistics.

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