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Electricity: CF wants to reduce energy consumption – Switzerland

The Federal Council wants to lower the electricity consumption of new electrical devices. It decided on Wednesday to modify the ordinance on the requirements relating to energy efficiency in this sense, which will also allow the appearance of a new energy label.

This revision incorporates into Swiss law the new, more stringent European Union (EU) requirements for energy efficiency in the field of mass-produced installations and devices. However, the legislation in force for refrigeration appliances and freezers will not be changed as it is already more stringent than the new EU provisions.

This change will facilitate trade with the EU and ultimately benefit the consumer. Low energy efficiency devices, which therefore generate high costs over their entire life cycle, will no longer be available on the market.

New energy label

The energy label will also be adapted from March 2021. The current system which goes from A +++ to D lacks clarity. The original scale from A to G will thus be reintroduced in the EU, a system that Switzerland can take over.

The bar will be significantly higher in terms of energy efficiency, a device classified today in A will move into category B or C. This measure will be accompanied by new requirements concerning the indication of the consumption of energy in sales documents and in advertising.

The changes planned in Switzerland will come into force, for some, on May 15 and, for others, at the beginning or during the year 2021. These will include dishwashers, washing machines, lamps and light fixtures, electronic displays, transformers, motors, servers, power supplies, air heaters and welding equipment.

At the end of 2019, manufacturers, importers, traders and representatives of consumer protection organizations directly concerned were invited to give their opinion. They were in favor of the proposed changes and the alignment of Swiss law with European law. (ats / nxp)

Created: 22.04.2020, 19h28

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