Home » Business » Electricity bills: The charges announced by the providers for September – 2024-09-02 16:44:40

Electricity bills: The charges announced by the providers for September – 2024-09-02 16:44:40

Electricity bills will move for the majority of domestic consumers and the September below 0.15 euros/kWh.

More specifically, these charges will concern the electricity bills of households that have chosen the special or green electricity tariff.

According to information, the subsidy announced by the Ministry of Environment and Energy will be between 0.01 and 0.012 euros/kWh

Electricity bills

And household electricity bills will fall for most customers of green tariff providers to the aforementioned level, due to subsidies to be announced later in the day by the Ministry of Environment and Energy.

In this way, in view of the TIF, the government will seek to absorb any charges that arose in August, even though wholesale electricity prices fell slightly.

The majority of providers moved with a strategy so that the charges in the green tariff were set below 0.15 euros/kWh together with the subsidy

The subsidy

According to available information, the subsidy that the ministry will announce for household electricity bills will be close to 0.01 to 0.012 euros/kWh.

With sources insisting on a subsidy of 0.012 euros/kWh. Its level is slightly lower than that of August, which was 0.016 euros/kWh.

The movements of the providers

As can be seen from the competitive charges announced by the providers for the month of September, their tariff policy was shaped in such a way – by most – that together with the subsidy, the special or green tariff would move below 0.15 euros/kWh.

The conclusion is how PPC gave a boost to the large private providers by reducing for September compared to August the competitive charge in the special or green tariff.

The big private players Protergia, HERON, Elpedison and NRG kept their fees unchanged, essentially putting a “back” on their customers, while in the smaller ranks of private providers the fees were like an elevator.

For example, ZENITH made a large decrease of 43% compared to August, while the rest showed small increases.

Charges without subsidy

According to what the providers announced, the charges for the special or green tariff without taking into account the subsidy for September are:


C1/C1N is charged for the first 500 kilowatt hours of consumption at 0.15940 euros per kilowatt hour. The night charge is at 0.12840 euros per kilowatt hour. The price of the asset is at 5 euros.


Basic Home is competitively charged at 0.15879 euros per kilowatt hour with consistency discount. The price of the asset is at 5 euros.


The home Value Special is competitively charged at 0.1599 euros per kilowatt hour with consistency discount. The price of the asset is at 4 euros.


The special household tariff for the first 100 kilowatt hours is competitively charged at 0.15850 euros per kilowatt hour. The price of the asset is at 4 euros. From the 101st kilowatt hour and above, the competitive charge without subsidy is at 0.19950 euros per kilowatt hour.


The special tariff has a competitive charge at 0.18731 euros per kilowatt hour with ebill and standing order and consistency discount. The fixed is at 3.5 euros.


The special tariff has a competitive charge at 0.1948 euros per kilowatt hour with a consistency discount and the first month’s electricity as a gift. The fixed is at 4.90 euros.

Natural Gas of Greece

The special flat rate is competitively charged at 0.1735 euros per kilowatt hour with consistency discount. The fixed is at 5 euros.


Power Home Smart is competitively charged at 0.15833 euros per kilowatt hour. The fixed is at 5 euros.


The Power On! Home Green has a competitive fee at 0.15987 euros per kilowatt hour. The fixed is at 5 euros.

Source: ot.gr

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