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Electricity bills, end of the protected market: institutional communication campaigns have started

Communication campaigns have begun to inform customers of the end of the protected energy market, scheduled for July, with transitions to the free market or the gradual protection service. A dedicated platform is also available, with the information that the ministry makes available to users.

Bills, returning to electricity protection: what you need to know

by Federico Formica

The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security has launched a communication campaign on the end of the protected electricity market, broadcast on Rai networks. The protagonist of the commercials is the engineer Lumi, an animated character who guides users in four different scenarios: for those who remain in greater protection and for those who want to make a different choice, but also for those with a bank direct debit and for vulnerable customers.

“Through Rai we bring to the attention of the general public a message of notable social relevance – declared Minister Gilberto Pichetto -. With this campaign we aim to clarify and reassure citizens: the liberalization of the energy market will affect around 5 million of families, towards whom we have the duty to provide maximum information and ensure every possible control against fraud and abuse to the detriment of consumers”.

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by Federico Formica

The objective is “very important”, says Giuseppe Moles, managing director of Acquirente Unico: “To increase consumer awareness so that they can understand the new changes and seize all the market opportunities”. We need to “know in order to be able to choose and to make the best choices – underlined Moles – and with this campaign we want to reach all end users by reassuring them that, albeit in a moment of very significant change, it is possible to make informed and targeted choices, also thanks to institutional tools made available to all, such as the Offer Portal and the Consumption Portal”.

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by Federico Formica

“The campaign – continued Moles – starts with four television commercials and will then develop using all communication channels, so as to be able to reach and convey the messages in the most widespread way possible”. In conclusion, CEO Moles highlights the importance of collaboration between all the main actors involved: “With these objectives, we will continue to work, as we are already doing, in close contact with the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, with the Arera, and, of course, with the Consumer Associations”.

Still on the subject of bills, but this time on the gas front, Arera has set the reference price of gas for vulnerable customers for the month of April 2024: it is equal to 100.54 euro cents per cubic meter (-0.9% on March), including taxes. The decrease is due to the reduction from 1 April 2024 of the component to cover supply risks, the retail marketing component and the transport component, which offset the increase in the price of gas to cover supply costs. For the month of April, which saw wholesale prices rise compared to those recorded in March, the price of the gas raw material alone for customers in the vulnerability protection service was equal to 0.326265 euros per cubic meter (30 ,4921 euros per MWh).

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– 2024-05-13 01:28:27

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