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“Electric Vehicle Market Trends: What Brands Need to Know About the Future of Automotive Sales”

D. Nebreda
14/4/2023 – 00:03

The impulse of all European governments for the total implementation of the electric vehicle is well known. Without going into details of how all the energy necessary to recharge the batteries will be produced, the objective of the European Union is to reach 30 million electric cars in circulation by the year 2030. With this trend and added to aid such as the Moves Plan that subsidizes up to 7,000 euros for the purchase of a hybrid or electric vehicle, the market trend is clear. In fact, the European Commission has agreed that from 2035 no more gasoline and diesel cars will be sold.

For this reason, all brands, or almost all, are focusing their engineering and marketing efforts on this sector. And those that are not doing so run the risk of losing competitiveness. According to the latest report from Consumer Reports, an association of independent consumers in the United States, the demand for electricity has skyrocketed 350% in just two years, but it predicts that current supply levels will not be able to meet demand in at least one decade.

“This rising wave of demand is projected to be met by lagging supply, leaving many consumers wanting an EV to choose between settling for an unwanted gas-powered vehicle, joining an ever-expanding waiting list, or simply waiting.” and hold on to their current vehicle longer,” the report states. This is why customers will wait until the last moment to change their combustion vehicle for a new generation one. Thus, brands that have not consolidated this technology will see their sales capacity diminished. Given the foreseeable demand at the end of the decade, those who are not already positioned in the new market like Tesla will have “serious problems” to maintain their sales figures.

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